Chapter 2

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Brooke POV

“Come on Andi!” I yelled from the bottom of her staircase.  Why does it take her so freaking long to get ready?

“I’m coming!” she yelled from up in her room.

“That’s what you said 10 minutes ago!” I said, checking my watch. It always takes Andi hours to get ready. I normally do to, but I was in a hurry today to meet the guys at the club.

Finally, Andi came slowly walking down the steps, like she had all the time in the world. “What are you wearing?!” I gasped. She stopped mid-way on the steps.

“ You don’t like it?” she said, her smile twisting into a frown. She spun around and I cringed. She was wearing a green mini dress that ended in the middle of her thigh with red detailing around the bottom.

“You look like a Christmas tree” I said with a smirk.

“Ugh! Well I can’t just go change!” Andi said, looking at the huge gold clock on the wall. “The guys will be waiting.”

“Fine but I’m not going to be seen with you in THAT,” I said, smoothing out my black dress. It was an original that my daddy had made for me when he was in Paris. It ended a little above my mid-thigh and had silk material. It was simple, but still looked expensive.

“Fine.” Andi said sharply and stormed down the rest of the steps, past me, and out the door to my car. She got in and slammed the door, leaving me standing in her doorway with my mouth hanging open.

“Drama Queen” I muttered and walked out to the car and got into the driver’s seat and turned the key.

Andi was still sulking with her arms crossed staring straight ahead. She’s my best friend but sometimes she’s a pain in the you-know-what.  The reason why we’re best friends is that she and I are alot alike. Her dad is a mulit-millionaire and she likes diamonds and we think the same way. She’ll sit around and listen as I drone on and on about alex or about the new purse I got. One time for my sweet sixteen, my daddy got me a red Ferrari when I clearly told him I wanted a pink one. I told Andi all about it and she totally agreed that it was soooo unfair.

We think the same way, except when it comes to fashion. Andi has the WORST fashion sense I have ever seen. She mix’s and match’s designer’s and color’s and fall and spring lines, a big fashion no no. I would lend her some of my clothes, but I don’t trust anyone with my clothes. My clothes are like my babies, if anything happened to any of them I would be devastated.

When we got to the club, I started looking all over for the guys but I couldn’t find them anywhere. “Do you see them?” I asked andi, I strained my neck to see over all the people.

“Nope, Maybe they went to the bar to get a drink?” Andi said, looking around frantically for Sam. Sam was her boyfriend. She was different when she was around Sam. She was nicer and more careful with her words and more self-conscious.

Where were they? They were supposed to be here 30 minutes ago. Alex was never late for anything. He had to be here somewhere.

Someone bumped into me, causing me to fly forward and drop my clutch. “What the hell?” I said and spun around to see the a very handsome guy staring at me.

“So sorry blondie, I will be more careful next time” said the apparently british guy. Oh goodness, I love british accents, just something about them made me melt.

“Oh, that’s alright. Don’t worry about it” I said, tucking my hair behind my ear and smiling my biggest smile at british boy.

“So do you have a name blondie?” British boy asked, practically yelling over the pounding music.

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