Chapter 2

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The second we walked through the front door of Jade's house we went straight upstairs to her room and did the usual sleepover stuff.

I unpacked and we put the extra bed up already so we wouldn't have do so later. Plus, we could now sit on it or use it as a table.

Jade had this fluffy yellow cushion sitting on her bed and a while ago one of us made this reference that it was the same colour as Bart Simpson. I said that Brad was way better than Bart and from that moment onwards it was called the Brad cushion.

And no, I don't think we're that strange.

I sat on Jade's bed and hugged the fluff out of the Brad cushion while Jade went to fetch me some sheets to put on the extra bed.

Jade's family is half Dutch and in the Netherlands they tend to eat dinner earlier. Jade's family lives up to the stereotype and eat around six o'clock, so we went downstairs for the barbecue.

Surprisingly it was quite nice weather for September; the sun was shining, there were hardly any clouds and above all: no rain.

Jade's father, Henry Brooks was roasting sausages when we joined Grace and Jade's brother, Tyler at the table that had been set up in the garden.

Once we had finished eating Grace broke out some marshmallows that we decided to roast on the remaining flames in the barbecue. Henry had made sure that the fire wouldn't go out specifically for this reason.

Now we were just enjoying our marshmallows and making conversation, which was quite amusing and there was a lot of laughter. Dinner with Jade's family was always fun; her family were quite chatty in the fun way.

At around nine Grace's phone rang, she went inside to answer it and came back outside a few minutes later, saying: "That was Grandma; she wanted to know when we'd go to Holland again. I told her that you guys have just started school again, so we'd probably go somewhere in October."

They quickly discussed the Holland trip, but I didn't join in. It didn't feel right to, it wasn't my family, it was Jade's.

Her life, not mine.

I wish that my family had the kind of money that her's had. We didn't go on holiday outside of England, well the last time would've been at least a few years ago.

I did tend to go with June at least once a year; I would join her family on a trip to the South of France. Where we'd stay at this really great campsite.

After a while the topic changed back to the new school year and plans after that. I mentioned how I was interested in going to Glasgow or Edinburgh for university. I only had two years left of school so it was about time to start thinking about what to do after that.

And of course there was the joking and complaining about the new teachers that we had been assigned for that school year.

"Yeah, he has his glasses on his eyebrows! I'm not kidding!" Jade cackled.

We started to talk about our chemistry teacher, Mr Jones. It always circled back to him because he was like the weird teacher in our school. This one time we were doing a test and we were all concentrated and then suddenly he exclaimed something along the lines of: "Johnny Rotten! His new biography just came out, I'll write the ISBN number on the board. You should all buy and read it. Maybe you can even read it for your English class!" 

Yeah, it was weird.

I got up and did my best impression of his walk. I bent over forward slightly, stuck my nose out, swung my arms backwards and started to waddle around like a penguin. 

This caused Jade and Tyler to choke on their drinks, which caused me to lie on the ground, cracking up as well.


I had a quick dinner with my dad, my stepmother and my brother. We had noodles because I had almost gotten on my knees to beg my dad to make it.

Not sure if I've ever told anyone, but I quite like noodles.

When we were done and the kitchen was remotely clean, I walked up to the counter and started to bake Jasmine's cake.

"Oh June?" my dad called from the living room, "Yeah?" I answered.

"Make sure to call Grace and ask Jade for her snack list." 

Jade had some allergies and wasn't allowed to eat everything, so I had decided to ask her for a list of things she definitely was allowed to have. Just in case I wouldn't accidentally poison her.

I picked up my phone, looking for Grace's number as I called back to my dad: "Will do!"

After the fourth ring Grace picked up: "Hello?" she said, "Hey, it's June."

"Oh hi June! How's it going?" Grace asked, I could tell she was trying to keep her voice down.

"Oh, okay, fine. I literally just started with Jaz's cake." I answered while I put her on speaker so I could continue baking as there was a hell of a lot I still had to do.

"That's great, but wait a second June, we are kinda in the middle of a barbecue, so I don't really have that much time."

"Oh, that's fine, no problem. I just wanted to know if the car problem was solved."

There was a short pause, as if Grace was thinking about what she had planned to do in order to solve the car problem. I needed a way to keep Jasmine away from her house for a good couple of hours. An unavailable car should do the job.

Grace answered: "Tomorrow I'm going to go to several shops and after that I'll take Tyler and his friends to the cinema to see the Fantastic Four." 

Frankly, I was quite jealous that they'd go see the Fantastic Four, but oh well.

"Then I'll take all of them back home too. So I'll lose quite a good few hours doing all of that." she finished.

I gave her a short "thank you"-speech before we both returned to our orders of business; hosting a BBQ for her and for me, baking a cake.

Author's Note:

I hope this chapter wasn't too boring, thanks for putting up with it. It's not such an important chapter, but the story is easier to understand with it.

The guys will hopefully be included in the next chapter if I make it long enough. Otherwise they'll be in Chapter 4 definitely, I promise.

Right now it might seem like my update schedule is great, but trust me, after a week or so that'll change. Just a general warning.


PS: I just changed a few spelling mistakes, but there are bound to be more as these first few chapters I quickly edited, but please tell me in a comment if you spot anything that doesn't add up.

#2 If You're Not The One [Rich Scholes] UNDER MAJOR EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now