chapter one

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"Give me my purse back!", I shouted as I chased after Gabe, the rudest, most annoying boy in my school, down the hall.

He continued running and laughing hysterically down the school hallway then ran into the boy's bathroom with my purse.

"Gabe!", I yelled angrily, "Give me my purse back!"

"You have to come in and get it if you want it!", He smirked.

I stood beside the water fountains, outside of the boy's bathroom, impatiently.

"Come on Ariana, you just have to come in here and-", Gabe continued to taunt her.

He stopped mid-sentence when Titus Brett, my older brother, took my purse from his hands and gave it back to me.

"You're the only guy that cares about her.", Gabe snorted and followed Titus out of the bathroom to where I was standing.

Titus turned around and looked Gabe hard in the eye. "Look, I know we're friends but if you touch her or say something about her again you'll regret it.", he stated coldly.

Gabe nodded slowly, trying to comprehend what had just been said to him. Gabe and Titus have been best friends for a very long time so hearing those words come from his mouth was even a shock to me.

"I-I'm sorry.", Gabe apologized.

"I think Ariana's the one you owe an apology to, not me.", Titus glared at Gabe.

Gabe looked over at me. "I'm sorry.", he said and looked down at the ground, I could tell he didn't mean it.

"See you at home.", Titus mumbled to me then started down the hall to his next class, Gabe trailing along behind him.

Suddenly Carter Adams, one of Titus' old friends and the cockiest but best looking guy in the whole school grabbed my bottom. I jumped and turned around quickly, moving his hand from me.

"Don't you need to get to class?", I asked Carter sarcastically, even though already knowing the answer

Carter chuckled, "Very funny. Now you really do need to get to your class. Here, I'll walk with you there."

"Maybe I don't want to.", I whispered and smiled mischievously.

"Well, I'm fine with that.", he smirked, "But you you do know what that big brother of yours would say if he found out you were hanging around me."

"He don't have to know.", I breathed.

Carter nodded his head, causing his shaggy brownish hair to bounce a little. "Where do you wanna go?", he smirked and snaked his arms around my waist, his face directly in front of mine, our bodies close.

"Anywhere.", I whispered, our faces only inches apart.

"Then come on.", he whispered in my ear, his deep voice sent involuntary chills up my spine. He grinned widely then put his hand around mine and led me out to his car in the parking lot. He owned a sleek black mustang with tinted windows.


"Let's go to your place?", he suggested as we sat in his car, "My parents are probably home right now and I know nobody's probably at your house since Titus is at school right now."

I shrugged, "Sure, why not?"

Before Carter even started the car he turned and looked at me. He looked me up and down then shook his head and cursed under his breath.

"What?", I asked awkwardly.

"You just look so good.", he admitted.

"Oh.", I mumbled and looked out the tinted window as my cheeks began to feel hot.

"I hope you know there's nothing wrong with that Ariana.", he stated, "You wanna know why me and Titus stopped being friends?"

"Sure.", she stated.

"Because I think you're the hottest girl in this whole school.", he confessed, "I only came over with him to see you, hoping to just catch a glimpse of you. Ariana, I want you."

She looked to his face uncomfortably to see him looking at her, suddenly she didn't feel as awkward as she told herself she liked him too.

"Let's get somewhere before school dismisses.", he declared as he started his car and drove the opposite direction of the high school.


When we finally got to my house he got out of the car quickly, I got out too. I fished my key to the house from my purse as I went up the steps to my front porch. After I got the door unlocked I went to the bathroom and locked the door behind me. I looked into the mirror. What have I gotten myself into?

I began to fix up my makeup, from where it had faded a little during school. Suddenly there was a knock at the door.

"Ariana? Are you alright in there?", Carter asked from the other side of the door.

"Yeah.", I called, "Jist fixing my makeup a little."

"I thought you looked good.", he admitted.

"Fine.", I sighed and opened the bathroom door.

As soon as I did so Carter pushed me against the wall roughly.

"What are you-", I tried to ask.

"Sshhh.", he whispered and pressed his lips against my neck, running his hands all over me.

I stood awkwardly, not wanting him to do any of the things he was doing.

"What's wrong?", he questioned.

I shrugged and made up an exuse, "We're in the bathroom."

"Oh, well let's go in here then.", he stated and went into my bedroom.

I sat down on the bed uncomfortably, he sat down right beside me. Carter rested his hand on my leg and turned my face towards his. Suddenly he pressed his lips against mine, I never bothered to kiss him back. He pushed me down onto my bed and hovered over me, my arms pinned above my head by his hands. Then he kissed me on the neck again, and again.

"Why are you doing this?", I whispered.

"I love you.", he growled and pressed his lips against mine roughly.

He leaned back a moment later and slid his shirt off over his head, revealing his muscular chest, then continued to kiss my neck. Suddenly he began to grab for the bottom of my shirt and began to slide it futher up.

"Stop.", I muttered and tried to push him away when suddenly my bedroom door flew open.

"WHAT IS GOING ON IN HERE?", Titus exclaimed furiously, Gabe standing right beside him.

Carter cursed under his breath and put his shirt on quickly.

"Got a problem Titus? Do you not like me touching your baby sister?", Carter glared.

"Actually, I don't and I'm pretty sure she doesn't either.", he stated.

"Yeah, whatever.", Carter exclaimed angrily at Titus then looked to me, "I'll be seeing you later. Call me when you actually wanna have a good time."

Then he stormed out of our house, got into his car, and drove away quickly.

Titus looked to me, pure concern in his blue eyes. "Come in here.", he stated softly.

From behind him I could see Gabe looking at me with a complete different look on his face than what I'd ever seen from him.

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