chapter three

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"Oh my God Gabe, when did you get here?", I exclaimed as I walked into my room to see him laying on my bed.

"Eh, maybe an hour ago?", he shrugged nonchalantly as he sat up on my bed.

"Why?", I questioned, "Titus is at work."

"Just thought I'd let you know I'm fighting Carter tonight.", Gabe grinned.

"Wait, you were serious?", I asked in shock, thinking he was just joking around when he said that last week.

"Yes I'm serious, Ariana!", Gabe chuckled, "I'm gonna make him stop being the little punk he is."

"You don't have to do that.", I stated quietely as I sat on the foot of the bed; he put his feet in my lap.

"I do.", he argued, "I care about you and when someone messes with someone I care about they're gonna pay."

"Oh.", I muttered, not sure what I should say.

"I mean, not that I wanna date you or anything.", he added quickly.

"Right", I stated sarcastically, "because no one wants to be with me."

"It's not that!", he exclaimed, "You're beautiful, don't get me wrong. But..I don't know."

I stood up and stormed out of my room, to the bathroom and locked the door.

"Ariana?", I heard Gabe's voice on the other side of the door, "I didn't mean to offend you. But, uh, I guess I should leave. So, bye."

I stayed silent and listened for him to leave.

What's so wrong with me that makes him not like me? Everything about his is great. I love everything about him, from his rough ways to his shaggy brown hair and chocolate brown eyes. I wish he would just give me the smallest sign he likes me! Oh well, I guess I'll just have to move on.


Gabe's POV


What am I doing?

I shook my head and tried to clear my head as I walked to my truck that was parked in the driveway of the Brett's house.

Nothing could get the image of pain and anger I saw in those beautiful blue eyes I've grown to love out of my head. Her face, pretty as a picture. Her hair blonde, long and elegant.

I yelled in frustration and punched my steering wheel.

Yeah I liked her. I liked her a lot. But I had a few good reasons to keep my distance too. First off, Titus was my best friend and he would murder me. And I've known her since I was like 11, so I'll always just see her as a little 9 year old girl.

Secondly, she probably wouldn't even like me back. They have quite a bit of money, she probably has high standards for guys. I'm too rough and ugly to ever even be close to good enough for her.

I turned my radio up loud, trying to get her out of my head and get myself pumped for the fight later that day.


I smirked when I saw Titus' Jeep roll up, assuming Ariana would be with him.

She actually came?

I felt disappointment begin to sink in as I watched Titus get out by himself.

I looked around the crowd angrily, searching for Carter. He was no where to be seen.

I shook my head angrily and looked to one of his idiotic friends. "Hey, is he coming or not?", I growled.

"Oh trust me, he'll be here.", he smirked.



So..I know these are super boring and most people don't even like reading these but I'm just wondering if you're liking the story so far or if I'm just boring you to death?? I hope you're enjoying reading it as much as I'm am writing it! Also, I love receiving feedback from all of my readers! So vote, comment, and share! :)

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