The mystery mare do well

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That episode really ruined my life for MLP I mean I know rainbow dash is a little full of herself but this was awful I mean her friends I think were jealous cuz every pony really liked her and was a big fan of her until her friends ruined everyone they were mad at her so they made them selves a "better hero" then her by saving other people rainbow dash wanted to save and they were acting like they were full of their selves cuz they were like oh I love the mystery mare do well she is so awesome more awesome then rainbow dash! I mean cuz shouldn't they just be happy for her? That's she is a hero? Nope! They had to act like jerks to shatter her dreams of being a awesome hero! They were even smiling in the end and they even said she was being full of her self I never like that episode and I just wanted to go in the TV and help rainbow dash but then I also felt like throwing a pillow at the TV and that's how angry I am at that episode .

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