Through the War. (Larry Stylinson)

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Hey guys:) this is my new story! It's a larry story, so if you are not a larry fan....LEAVE. It's about the civil war, and I hope you guys enjoy it:) it's a historical fiction so yeah....... Love you all!!

-Mrs. Styles;)



Harry sat alone on his twin bed in the center of his nearly empty room. His room was dark because the walls were gray and all of his furniture was either a dark, dull green or black. Even when he lit candles or opened the small window above his desk, it was dark and some what eerie. He hasn't quite gotten used to the room yet, him and his father moved here last year. He remembers it very clearly because it was 4 days before his 9th birthday.

He sat there with his long, skinny legs tucked under him as he drew mindlessly in his little black leather journal. He got it for his birthday when he was 8, he took it with him almost everywhere. He drew a new drawing every single day, but it wasn't even half way full. This book will last him many years just by looking at how thick it is. Harry looked up from the robin he was drawing when he heard his bedroom door creek open. A toothy grin was plastered on his face when he saw Charlie's black hair and big round eyes peeking through the crack in the door.

Harry patted the rough, scratchy material of the blanket he was sitting on, signaling Charlie to sit next to him. Which he did. Harry moved over so Charlie could sit comfortably on his bed. Charlie smiled at Harry. It was a real smile, be could tell because crinkles formed next to Charlie's large brown eyes. He could read Charlie like a book. Charlie has been living with him and his father since he was 6 years old and first moved to North Carolina. They were the best of friends just like that. They told each other EVERYTHING. They would meet in Harry's room once his teacher left, and just talk. Harry would teach Charlie what his teacher taught him, or as much as he could remember. Harry didn't know why Charlie didn't have a teacher, but he didn't question it.

Of course Charlie wasn't the only one, his father brought home 2 more, Jack and Frank. They live there as well, they are really kind hearted people who gave sweets and loving hugs whenever they saw him, which, to Harry's liking, was very often. All of them have dark skin. Harry isn't sure why, but it doesn't affect them as a person, so it didn't matter to him. Jack is about 25 or so. His hair looks like tiny springs in Harry's opinion, much curlier than his own. He is very tall and rather skinny, but he was stronger than Harry could ever DREAM to be. Harry has watched him work from his bedroom window. It astonished Harry how much one person could do in such little time.

Frank on the other hand was a good deal older than Charlie and Jack. He has also been with Father and Harry since before the brunette was born! Harry had grown up with him. No one could take those loving memories away. The only flaw this man had was that he was nearly deaf, so you had to shout at him from him to time, but it doesn't bother anyone. Frank is one of sweetest men the world has ever seen. When Harry was a young child, he would walk along side Frank as he worked on the ranch just so he could hear some of the hundreds of stories he had to tell about his magnificent life.

Harry smiled back at Charlie before he closed his journal and set it on the nightstand to the left of him.

"Charlie, where and you been? I haven't seen you in days," Harry began, poking out his plump, pink bottom lip, " I've missed you,"

"I've missed you too little guy, but your father has kept me very busy since Frank ran off. Jack and I have been doing his jobs, I have barley had time to eat or to even catch a few winks." Charlie sighed looking down at his worn out black shoes, they were almost completely brown now because of the dried mud covering them. Harry frowned when he saw that the grey shirt that Charlie is always wearing is now huge on him because of the significant amount of weight he has lost. That's when he decided to reach into his night stand and pull out his last piece of honey flavored hard candy Frank gave him before he left.

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