Battle of Bull Run.

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"We will be in the mess hall 'ight? You sure you're not hungry?" Niall looking into Harry's eyes with a questioning blue eyes. Harry gave Niall an effortless smile then turned back to his journal.

"I'll be just fine, but do you think you could grab me a roll?" Looking up suddenly, giving Niall the pleading eyes that he new the Irishman couldn't refuse.

"Yeah, I'll grab one, but remember that you're trusting me to manage your food. That's not the greatest idea you have had, Harry," Niall smirked, Harry rolled his eyes at the blue eyed boy as he left the room and closed the metal door.

They have been at fort Sumter for 3 whole weeks now, and they all enjoy it here. Good food, beds, and a good field to fire their brand new rifles and muskets in. Now each solider has their very own rifle and some had muskets that they would keep on them at all times. It was their job to have the supplies needed to shoot, to keep it clean, and to keep the smooth blade attached to the end of it in good condition. Having this nice of a gun was a huge privilege. Being able to stay here was a huge privilege, and he's grateful for it. Harry was surprisingly happy here.

He shared a decent sized room with Niall, Zayn, James, and another lad they met recently named John. The room they shared had 4 small, grey cots sprawled across the floor, an old sink, and a small window on the north wall. Fort Sumter was actually surprisingly cold considering its the end of July. Heavy winter jackets had to be worn at all times. The Floors on the other hand, were cold and made of hard, grey cement, much like the walls. It felt damp making the cold air more prominent, but it smell fresh. Like the earth after a soft rain. It was quite calming.

Harry sat quietly sketching a picture of a stiff soldier marching. His face was blank and he had no emotion in his eyes. The navy blue polo cover the mans torso, showing his muscles as he held his rifle tight against his left side. Leather straps blanketed his broad shoulders. The mans posture was at a right angle and his back muscles held stiff. Harry knew what a good soldier was supposed to look like. He learned it all during training. The generals taught the soldiers how to march and turn on a proper angle. Marching had become second nature to the men, no one had to think about marching anymore. It just happened. They were also taught how to load a rifle, by biting the nipple, pouring in the white gun powder, packing it down forcefully, and finally dropping the circular bullet down the metal throat of the gun. Harry has been told that he has a good eye for shooting, he figured he would since he was often told to shoot the deer that would graze on his fathers crops in the morning, but has never shot a man before. It couldn't be that different now could it?

Harry was lost in deep thought when a blast shook the floor beneath his feet. He furrowed his eyebrows together looking around the room, closed his journal, slipped it into is messenger bag, and stood up from his low grey cot. Thunderous yells emanated from behind the closed door of Harry's room. Before Harry had any time to access the situation, James came barreling into the room, breath escaping his lungs in fast, erratic patterns, and brown eyes wide, teeming with panic.

"We've been attacked! General has ordered us to retreat to the river boats," James voice was coarse and dry, causing it to crack while he spoke. James leaped to his cot; retrieving his musket and Leaving the room just as quickly as he entered.

It felt as if he himself had been shot, all of his breath left his body in a split second. Is the war really starting?


It all felt like a dream, marching through the small town. They marched in 6 groups, each with about 100 to 200 marching men. Their leather shoes scuffed the dirt ground in synchronization and the trees swayed lightly in the summer breeze, letting slivers of golden sunlight steam in between the leaves like warm liquid. The part the felt like a dream was that all Harry could see were bright, smiling faces. everyone was cheering, smiling, and laughing joy filled laughs. All the soldiers were smiling as well. They smiled widely, thanking the citizens as they shoved all sorts of sweet cakes and candies into their hands.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2013 ⏰

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