Chapter 15: The Wizards and a Brithday

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"And how much did you spend on him?" Jordan asked.

"50 diamonds."

The group paused and looked at Tom. "Tom you can't be serious." Tucker said.

"Yeah, I did, it will be known at Nadeshot's Castle!"

Sonja started to giggle, "You know what would be funny? If Nadeshot sees this and hates it."

Jordan and Tucker started to laugh, "You did kick him out of his old house and fixed it up for yourself." Jordan said.

"No, well, I guess. But I don't think he will hate it. Look! It has all of colors! Green, Black, and grey!"

"Whatever makes you sleep at night bro." Tucker said.

"I would be living in my other house but it seems that some ass hole thought it would be better underwater."

All of the group started laughing, "You should love that though, that took time and it's amazing!" Tucker was taking a breath between every two worlds so he could laugh.

Tom rolled his eyes.

"If you can't handle it then don't dish it out." Jordan tried to say as he muffled his laugh.

"By the way, isn't it your Birthday?" Tucker asked.

Tom jumped, "How did you know?"

"You obviously didn't tell us a billion times when your Birthday would be." Sonja said.

"Well, that because I expect you to give me the best gifts, do you have them?"

Everyone tried to avoid looking at Tom. "You guys are great friends."

"You know what? Give us an hour or two and we will met you at Dine-At-Night." Tucker told him.

"Ugh, Fine, you guys later." Tom said as he walked away from the unfinished building.

"Do you know what you are making for him?" Tucker asked Jordan and Sonja.

Sonja smiled, "I have an idea."

Jordan shrugged, "I will come up with something."

"You better come up with something fast, knowing Tom, he is probably going to give us an hour and not two." Tucker said as he walked away. Sonja turned to Jordan and started to head in the direction where Tucker went, "See you later." She spoke.

"Yeah, see you." Jordan waved. When she was out of his point of veiw, he looked at what the Wizards were doing. They seemed to be talking to each other and one of them were having an argument with the other. He wasn't really introduced to the Wizards, they just became a thing.

One of them, the one in a blue and black robe came over to him, "Do you need something sir?"

"Uh, well, no, not really. What is your name?" Jordan asked awkwardly.

"Oh! My name is Killer!"

"What about the other Wizards?"

"My Brothers? The one in the Grey is Wag, the one that looks like he is a blacksmith is Brute, and Fire is the one who is in the armour, any other questions?"

Jordan pointed to Brute and Fire, "I-I think I know those two."

Killer cocked his head, "Oh, really? Let me go grab them real quick!" Killer flew up to Brute and Fire, which seem to be the two wizards that were in an argument. Killer pointed to Jordan and the both of them looked at him. Jordan felt like he should be doing something so it wouldn't be weird when they were looking at him. Killer flew down, "Give them a few minutes, they seem to be talking about something." Killer retorted.

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