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Author's Note:

I will now be updating this book every other day bc writing two books at once is quite hard.

But don't worry, updates will be long.


When I wake up, I don't recognize any of my surroundings. I'm lying in a cell, with my cheek pressed down on the cool cement floor.

I sit up and look down at my wrists, which are now adorned with metal restraints. Before I can do anything else, I'm interrupted by a voice.

"Welcome to Doncaster Manor, where we create matches that last. The person in the cell next to you will be your mate for the rest of your stay here," a woman announces from the speakerphone.

I look to my right as try to yank my arms from the chains restricting me. My eyes meet with the boy next to me.

"Hi, I'm Louis," he says with a weak smile.

I blink as I look at the other person in the cell. He has brown hair, beautiful, ocean-colored eyes, and his smile could make a girl faint on the spot.

"I-I'm Audrey," I say to him as he tries to shift his body as close to me as he can, with the chains holding him as well.

"I've been here for a few days. I'm not quite sure why we are here. It's not too bad, so far. They bring us food, and water, and--"

He's cut off when someone new enters the room. It's Harry. He stalks over to the door of the cell and smiles wide.

I look over to Louis and see his eyes fill with disgust. So he must know him too.

"Well, since we're all acquainted now, I'd better tell you the deal," Harry says with a grin. "But first, I think I should get you out of here."


Harry stops me in front of a white door. I look over at him, but he stares directly at it.

"Go on now," he tells me. I obediently obey his demand and enter the room as it slams shut behind me.

When I observe my surroundings, I see a bed with a white frame and purple covers. Next to it, stands a white night table, and on the wall across from it is a dresser and bookshelf.

I hear the voice from the intercom once again, "Get dressed," it tells me.

It's then I see a set of clothes lying on the bed. It's a simple black shirt and a white blouse with a pair of black shoes to go with it. I sigh and strip off my old clothes before changing into the new ones.

The voice speaks up again once I finish, "Exit your bedroom and follow the arrows."

My eyebrows furrow in confusion, but I listen to the instructions once again.

When I enter the hallway, the floor is lit up with flashing arrows, pointing at my current destination.

The arrows stop at a new room, a dining room.

In it, is a chandelier hanging above a long, black table, a linoleum floor, and candles that line the table.

And in the chairs surrounding the table are Louis and Harry.

Harry sits at the head of the table, and Louis sits off to his side in a new outfit. He is dressed in a white dress shirt and black tie, with black slacks to pair with it. He looks uncomfortable as he shifts in his chair and I approach the table, wary of what is to come.

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