I must be dreaming

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Kate pov


"Wakey wakey".


Who the hell is trying to wake me up.

"Go away". I mumble pushing a pillow over my head and falling back to sleep.

You know when you have one of those dreams that your falling, but when you wake up your in the middle of your bed? I'm having one of those right now. Only it wasn't just a dream. The falling quickly turned into smacking against the hardwood floor. Great.

I get up and look around realizing Luke wasn't there. I feel someone put their hand on my shoulder.

"Ka-" SMACK!

I slapped whoever it was right in the face. That's when I realize it's the blonde boy from the first day I "met" Luke.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry I didn't know who was there. And you woke me up so early and I fell out of bed and-".

Blondie still cupping his cheek like a baby, started chuckling. Is he crazy..? Everyone around here seems to laugh at the most random moments.

"No I'm sorry luna, Luke wanted me to wake you up at 10:00 if you weren't already up. I'm Luke's betta Nick".

"Its okay, and I have a strange feeling I know why he sent you instead of himself". I giggle.

"Dude remind me to never wake her up". I hear a voice from behind blond- Nick.

"Who's that"? I ask cautiously grabbing a pillow.

"This is Luke's third, Eli." That's when I recongnized him as the other guy from the car 'incident'. And also as the guys credit card I "stole". I wonder if he knows about that yet..

"Oh, nice to finnaly meet you guys. Can we get some breakfast"? I ask trying to change the topic before he noticed.

"Sure". They both say together.

They walk downstairs and into the kitchen while I stay back to put some clothes on.

I step into the huge closet and let my feet enjoy the fluffy white carpet. I look at 'my side' and shuffle through finding something cute yet comfy. I find a dark grey sweater dress that comes half way down my thighs. Then pair it with black transparent tights and matching flats. Typical vampire colors and style. Leaving my slightly wavy hair down and leaving makeup off the list except chapstick. Then I went downstairs.

"Where did Luke go"? I ask getting out the eggs, bacon, and biscuits.

They look at each other nervously. And I get a funny feeling somethings up they're sleeve.

"He went to check on the border". Eli says a little too fast.

"Why would he do that, isn't that border patrols job?". I ask getting suspicious.

"Alphas orders not to tell you. I'm sorry Luna". Nick says.

"Well lunas orders to tell me". I say smirking.

"Therewasarogueattackandlukehadtogotakecareofit". He says so fast and so low I wouldn't have heard him without my keen vampire senses. Days like this I don't mind being dead.

"Slower" I say dragging out the "o". I heard him but I just had to milk this.

"*long sigh*. There was a rogue attack and Luke had to go take care of it". He says with his head low. I was mentally freaking out. I had to escape and help him. But knew I'd never get away unless I played it cool.

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