Moving In

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It's Saturday morning. That means Brandon is going to be here and moving into my room today! I'm hoping he likes me as much as I like him! I better look freakin cute! I put on black high wasted, studded shorts with a

Guns and roses tank top and combat boots. I pulled my hair into a messy but cute ponytail. I put on mascara and I was done. I looked in the mirror one last time and was satisfied by how I looked. "BRANDON'S HERE!" My mum yelled. Oh yay!! Oh god I hope he likes me back. Sigh. I ran out of my room and right into him! We both fell to the floor laughing. We both got up an he moved closer to me. My breathing hitched and our faces were only a few inches apart. He leans in and puts his lips on mine. After a few seconds he pulls back. "Will you go on a date with me?" He asked. YES YES A MILLION TIMES YES. Keep it cool Ocean. Deep breaths. "Yah sure!" Then I poked him in the stomach and ran to our room. Were those rock hard abs I felt? Hmmmm that's sexy... all the sudden I felt someone put their hands on my waist from behind pick me up and throw me over their shoulder. "Gotcha!" Brandon said laughing. I giggled. He started running around the house making weird noises and I just cracked up. He is too cute! He put me down in our room and we were both on the floor laughing out asses off! I giggled and poked him again. "I win!" I said. He leaned over and kissed me "Nah, I think I won." He mumbled against my lips. "Nope!" I got up and ran to the kitchen. I was hungry anyways. "You terrible person!" He said jokingly. "Sucks to suck!" I said sticking my tongue out at him. He gasped and faked hurt "How dare you! I thought you loved me!" I giggled again. I'm being such a girl! "Nope! You thought wrong!" I said with a wink and a smirk. "You tease!" He said laughing. "It's all about the teasing and not about the pleasing!" I said Moving my hips back and forth. He groaned. "Why do you do this to me!?" I just laughed. "I'm flirtatious!" I said booty bumping him and walking to my room with the jar of Nutella and two forks. We ate Nutella on my bed and started laughing for no reason. We are getting absolutely no unpacking done! Oh well! We're having fun! What an interesting day of 'moving in'

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