Chapter 1- who are you?

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-3rd person POV-

You woke up, feeling a bit dizzy you didn't care so you just changed and did the usual as always. You went downstairs thinking if you got a drink it would go away, it did but as you walked to ur school the dizziness came back, and soon you started seeing black spots, then you blacked out.

~2 hours later~

You woke up and looked around, you noticed that you were in a white room, assuming it was a hospital , you quickly sat up but laid back down as soon as you felt pain shoot through you. The nurse came in, there was a really tense silence between the two of you, till she said "So....Miss.(Y/l/n), An unknown person called....he said he found you passed out on the side walk, but when the ambulance got their...there was no one in sight. What do think happened". you looked at her and shrugged "I don't remember anything..." you simply said giving her a serious stare. She nodded and walked out of the room.

Soon your mom came to come pick you up...and since you had no school for today you just stayed home and did what ever you could do to entertain yourself. As soon as your mom left without saying good-bye you just sat their wondering....why is she always like this, she never cares for you, she never pays attention to you...and yet she hardly ever speaks to you. You turned on the TV switching channels every now and then finally finding a horror movie you could watch. You simply looked at the TV emotionless, dozing off every 10 seconds.

The movie finally ended and you looked at the clock 7:00 it read. You sighed and decided you should go for a walk at the park for a bit, you got up and simply put a grey sweater with some black jeans, you then brushed your hair and made your way out. On your way to the park you felt another presence near you, you brushed it off by thinking its probably someone else going for a walk. As soon as you arrived to the park you sat on a swing got out your phone and checked the time '7:20' you thought, you sighed and slowly swung yourself. you got bored so you decided to go walk around, like you planned to do.

You started hearing footstep and got a little nervous, the footsteps got closer and you sped up. You finally decided to trust your instincts and ran for it. You ran all the way to your house slammed the door shut and locked the door. You tried calming your breathing by sitting down, you tried keeping yourself busy....until you heard a Thud from upstairs you froze, realizing your mom wasn't home yet.

You finally gathered up the courage to go up stairs and check, you stopped in front of your bedroom door and just stared at it, you opened your bedroom door to reveal a person laying on the ground passed out, you got closer, he was wearing a white saw some faint spots of blood, some black skinny jeans, and his hair was a jet black color. You sat on the bed curiously looking at the stranger on the floor in front of you, you saw him move so you stayed still you're face emotionless.

He slowly woke up, "Ugh my head...w-what happened" he said getting up. You just sat their looking at his face, He had bleach white skin...a carved smile stretching from ear-to-ear. You then looked at his eyes it if he burned them off. You snapped back to reality. And noticed he was staring at you. "What....aren't you afraid" he said, you stared at him still emotionless, "Who are you..." you simply told him, "Tch...I'm Jeff. Jeff The Killer" he said, you kept looking at him which seemed to make him feel uncomfortable. "Ugh, I don't have time for this shit." he said and held up a knife at your throat. "just...get it over with" you said and spread out your arms so you'd let him do as he pleased. "with pleasure." he laughed and you felt a stinging pain at your throat before passing out.

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