A Baby Shower?

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"This is a disaster. Everyone has left because of Nate and Sage. Do you want to go home or stay here tonight?" Chuck asked Blair as he skulled the last of his scotch.
"They left without finding out that we were having a baby Bass." Blair said as she held her enlarged stomach. "Well technically Serena and our parents knew already." She blurted out
"Why did Serena know?" Chuck said he sat on the couch. "If Serena knew that means that the only person who didn't know was Lola, Jack, Eric, and Georgina."

One Hour Earlier... (Blair's POV)
"Oh my God. It's perfect. Thank you so much everyone," I continued, "Nate you finally know how to keep a secret." Everyone laughed except Nate.
"I know how to keep a secret... Trust me I do" Nate said suspiciously as he looked at Sage and Lola.

I think that there is something going on between Nate and Lola, because they did date for a while back in 2011.

"So... this is fun." I said to try and make conversation.
" Blair. How has your baby going?" Lola asked because she caught on that I was trying to move past the awkwardness.
"Everything is great. He is... she... it, it is perfectly fine." I just spoiled the surprise. Hopefully no one notices. Chuck is glaring at me, hopefully he isn't angry.

A few minutes later everyone was off in little groups talking. Lily, Chuck and William were getting drinks and chatting. Lola was voting on the calendar and the pinboard, she voted for a girl and she thinks that the baby is due on the 7th of May. Serena and Dan were being all loving and gross, it's like they still think they are in there honeymoon stage, it has been more than three months, get over it, GROSS. Nate and Sage had disappeared into the kitchen, you could feel the tension from the dining table, and it was not sexual tension. Mother, Cyrus and Lola were talking about her part in that musical that had last year. Last but definitely not least, Jack and Georgina were trying to trick eric into drinking some weird drink, those two never stop scheming, I guess Chuck and I did that when we first got together, maybe it's a Bass thing.

About fifteen minutes after Nate and sage had gone into the kitchen, Sage walked out, more like stormed out with tears running down her face. She went to the elevator and left. As soon as I saw this I looked at Chuck and I both went to the kitchen to check on Nate.

"Nate. What happened? Sage looked pretty heartbroken and resentful." I asked but I don't think it helped because he gave me a reasonably intense death glare.
"Blair, Not helping," Chuck said as he looked at me, " Nate, did she find out about you and Lola? Did you breakup?"
"Called it! You slept with Lola when she came back and Sage was in Thailand for spring break. Am I right or am I right?" I said. BUt maybe I shouldn't have because he gave me another glare. "Nate those eyes can kill."
"Still not helping Blair."
"I didn't sleep with her, I may have just kissed her after she told me how she felt. and then I told I had a girlfriend, then she said that it was fine and she wouldn't say a thing. BUt you know me I can't keep a secret." Nate explained as he downed his glass of scotch.
"So, What are going to do about Lola? Are going to tell her?" Chuck asked.                   
"I thought I would go out for coffee with her tomorrow." Nate stupidly said.
"You can't do that. Sage will hate you even more. You  are so luck Gossip Girl is not around any more, because she would trash so badly... again." I said because  I was so angry that he was pulling this whole charade again to another innocent girl.
"Blair I think that it is best that you leave now because you really are not helping." Chuck said as he got up and guided me to the lounge room.

A few minutes later, Nate walked over to Lola and then they were gone. How dare they leave my baby shower without saying goodbye. They didn't even stay for gifts or to find out the sex of the baby.

Once Nate and Lola left and everyone was asking why were they going and where are they going, Chuck decided to start the gift giving. Serena bought me a $2000 voucher for Ralph Lauren Baby, Lily, William, and Eric payed for and booked an appointment at Giggle, Jack and Georgina bought me a new iPad and Macbook because Georgina says she wouldn't have survived without her when she first had Milo. My beautiful mother and Cyrus bought Chuck and a new house in the Hamptons, so we can stay there  during the Summer. They were all such great  gifts.

After all the gifts were open, Serena may or may not have had little bit too much to drink so she went home with Dan. Then my mother and Cyrus had to leave because they had flight back to Paris to catch. The party kind of died once Nate and Lola left, so the rest of the Van Der Woodsen's decided to go home. That then left Chuck and I.
Please comment on what I should change or what should be in the next chapter.

The next chapter will be little shorter but it also won't be posted for a little while because I have lots of school assignments to finish before school starts again. Thx...
Thank you again for reading. Please keep reading. Hope you enjoy.

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