He did what!?

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Aphmau's POV
As I sit in front of my bedroom door, which is locked and with the lights out sobbing my eyes out, I think to myself what I did to deserve what I got. I told my self to suck it up but it only made me cry more.

Zane's POV
Who did Aphmau think she was? To pull away from me? I mean I have the looks, I even have the heart (yea right) but of course it is never good enough for any girl! My friend Matt, called and asked what I'be been up too and I told him that I had kissed Aphmau, but I purposely left out the part where she didnt kiss back.

Author's POV
Well Matt told his friend, his friend told his friend, and so on. Well it spread around until it reaches Garroth, well....... He was mad,very, very mad.

~~The next day~~

Garroth's POV
After I heard about Zane kissing Aph, I was really mad! I stormed through the halls during our free period to find Zane and make him pay. I eventually found him laughing with his friends and I pulled him out of the group and pinned him against the wall.
"What were you thinking!?" I asked him

"What are you angry I got the girl before you?" He said surprisingly calm

We kept arguing until I saw Aphmau out the corner of my eye.

"Wait!" I called after her,  dropping Zane I run after her.

She was pretty fast but I was faster. I stopped her and told her go tell me what happened but she wouldn't.

"Come to my house after school... Please" I tell her

She nods her head 'yes'

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