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OKay, the chapters of Phoenix are now officially here: Thanks for the appreciation and please comment if you have a dA account!

Please vote, fan or comment! I may only have the prologue but I need motivation to continue and if no one reads then I won't bother uploading anymore!



"Mirror, Mirror, I need your guidance." The voice was sweet and mysterious, just like its owner.

The Mirror came to life. Before, it had merely been a piece of glass reflecting the Queen's image. Now -- well, it was still a piece of glass reflecting the Queen's image: pale blond hair down to her waist, clear gray eyes full of wisdom and sadness, an elegant, emerald-green satin dress that trailed to the floor. The Queen in the mirror raised an eyebrow and proclaimed, "You are most most beautiful creature of both worlds." While the real Queen's lips did not move.

Queen Neriel Tu Winter smiled warmly. "That joke never gets old," she muttered, and then her face turned grim again. "The prophecy is beginning, is it not?"

The mirror nodded. "As always, you are right. The Colonel is already taking action. He has gathered a great many followers."

"And the cat?"

"She is still with him. As are the angel, the demon, and the offspring. The cat has been charged with the operation, though, and she has managed to convince a lot of people to join her.  Her relationship with Bryn McCullough does not exactly help with our situation."

"And the angel? Her jewel experiments?"

"They have succeeded. Already some people have obtained jewels and their powers have been greatly enhanced."

"We have no choice..."

"Yes. Project Olympia must take place."

The Queen rubbed her forehead and sighed. "I will summon Ceylin. She stared out of the window at the rich green hills of District One with a sadness she had not experienced since the death of her husband ten years ago. 

"Innocent blood shall be shed."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2011 ⏰

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