Chapter Four: Mylk Bar

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The morning was cold, the sheets warm and Tristan, eyes closed, wiggled further into bed.

He didn't have much memory of the night before. Which wasn't unusual considering the quantity and quality of the drinks he had downed, however, Tristan was aware of where he was. He remembered Roland suggesting he should stay in one of his spare bedrooms if he couldn't drive home and by the feel of the soft and no doubt expensive mattress below him Tristan must have made use of the offer.

Rolling over with the intention of spreading out for more room, the last thing he was expecting was for his arm to come in contact with someone's face.

"Shit," Tristan whispered before quickly reaching up to rub his eyes.

His head was pounding and he could barely see as the combination of alcohol and lack of sleep left his view bleary, but Tristan had dealt with far worse. Through the blurred vision he was able to make out the figure of a girl, about his age, lying face down in bed with the sheets covering half of what appeared to be a naked body. Fortunately, the light hit to the face hadn't woken her.

"Shit," He repeated while running both hands through his hair in distress as snippets of the night came back to him.

Two games of beer pong and a round of shots lead to Tristan talking to Jenny Hunters, an attractive year 12 who happened to have a modelling contract. An attractive year 12 that also happened to be one of Paige's least favourite people in school.

What had begun as a release from the stress and pressure of having Paige Stander as a recent ex, the night had quickly turned to one with a sole purpose: to win the breakup, at all costs. He remembered beginning the conversation in hopes to make Paige believe he was moving on, but he never intended for the chat to go any further than an innocent hook up.

The two were just sitting down after an intense moment of cheering on some of the boys as they chugged bottles of beer, and Tristan had noticed Paige was sitting on some guy. Rather than do the stupid thing and start a fight, which would not only cause drama but also reveal to his ex that he still cared about her; Tristan chose the classic high school movie play and attempted to make her jealous using her arch nemesis. He had no intention of ever having sex with her.

Paige will never forgive me if she finds out I slept with someone, he thought, especially Jenny.

Unsure of what to do, Tristan went with what he did best: leave. Jumping out of bed he quietly got dressed, keeping a cautious eye on Jenny's sleeping figure. When fully clothed he grabbed his wallet and keys off of the floor and tiptoed out into the hallway.

Cups and people alike littered the ground as Tristan slowly made his way through the maze of limbs and litter. No one awake seemed to be upstairs, at least in the hallway, and Tristan made the quick decision to boycott the kitchen and other such areas. He didn't want to risk running into anyone that may have seen parts of what went down last night and as far as he knew he had everything he arrived with.

Getting down the stairs was rather hard due to most of the steps being covered by either an item of clothing or a collection of cups and empty liquor bottles, but somehow Tristan managed it. From there it took less than a minute to leave the house and walk the fifty or so metres to his car, all of which were done without the knowledge of anyone else left inside.

Once in his car Tristan took a moment to breathe.

I made it, he thought, before switching on the cars ignition.

Giving the clock in the centre of his dashboard a fleeting look he pulled out of the driveway and onto the quiet, suburban street.

7:30 am, should be enough time to pop home for a shower.

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