What is success to you? Is it a brand new car? Marrying the one true love of your life? Holding the top position in your career?
Success is a subjective matter, much like happiness. It can mean very different things to many people. For a child 4 years of age, success is a day at the carnival followed by milk and cookies, ending off with a bedtime story before falling fast asleep. To a restaurant owner, success is having many customers, serving them and earning more profit. To a 90 year old man, success is still being able to walk around and be active, doing normal everyday things. And to someone who is homeless, success is getting their meals, sleeping somewhere with shelter from the weather.
Therefore, success, depends on you. What are your aims? What do you want to achieve in? What do you want badly? What are you willing to invest your time and hard work for?
That's a question that only you can answer.
Here's wishing you all the best, and of course, success.