Extra Story 3:The Anti Bully Squad

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This story after Plants vs. Zombies:Bully for you and before Plants vs. Zombies:Grown sweet home.

The anti bully squad are walking in the park but the people are scared and run away. They remember their plan to take the revenge of Zomboss but they are fail.

Mr. Grim-Brim: I can't believe it that Zomboss is the coach.

Stilts: Yeah and we fail our plan.

Greg-Gantuar: I miss Mr. Stubbins.

Mr. Grim-Brim: But Mr. Stubbins is Zomboss' pet now.

Greg-Gantuar: I don't care but I want Mr. Stubbins back.

Suddenly they hear the scream.

???: Aaahhh!!! Somebody please help me.

Stilts: Oh no, someone is in trouble.

Mr. Grim-Brim: We need to find quickly and save it.

The anti bully squad are running and they saw the three boys in the pond. They look like happy and they drown the poor little plant.

Boy 1: Are you really fun little plant?

The anti bully squad: Little plant?

Boy 2: I think he really fun.

???: Please I beg you, let me go.

Boy 3: Don't worry little plant, we bring you more fun.

Boy 1: And I hope you like it.

???: No! Let me go.

Three Boys: Ha! Ha! Ha!

The anti bully squad: Hey you! Let him go.

Three Boys: Aaaahhhh!!!! Zombies.

The three boys are run away. The little plant was get off from the pond.

???: Thanks for saving me.

Mr. Grim-Brim: You can talk.

???: Yes, I can talk.

Stilts: I thought the plants can't talk.

Greg-Gantuar: What is your name?

???: My name is Thyme Warp.

Stilts: Time Warp?

Thyme Warp: Actually it spells T-H-Y-M-E not T-I-M-E.

Stilts: Ah, okay.

There was another plant behind the tree and it stare them.

Greg-Gantuar: Did you hear that?

Stilts: Hear what?

Mr. Grim-Brim: I think I hear a very loud thunder.

The anti bully squad saw a cloud with a big lightning and loud thunder.

The anti bully squad: Aaaahhhh!!!! Run for your life.

They are all run except Thyme Warp.

Thyme Warp: Oh no, Blue.

Then the plant is appear name Electric Blueberry.

Electric Blueberry: I am so happy you're safe Thyme Warp.

Thyme Warp: Why did you do that Blue?

Electric Blueberry: Because I save you from the zombies.

Thyme Warp: But they save me.

Electric Blueberry: What?!

Thyme Warp: I know it's weird and I will tell you what is really happen later. But please stop using your power Blue.

Electric Blueberry: But they are gone.

Thyme Warp: Don't worry, I will send them back here.

Meanwhile the anti bully squad are still running, suddenly they are disappear and they are going back to the place where they met the Thyme Warp.

The anti bully squad: Aaaahhhh!!!!

Thyme Warp: Guys it's okay, the cloud is gone.

They saw Electric Blueberry.

Mr. Grim-Brim: Who is that Thyme Warp?

Thyme Warp: Meet my friend, Electric Blueberry. I called her Blue and she use her power because she thought I am hurt or capture by the zombies.

Stilts: It's a girl.

Greg-Gantuar: That's why there was a scary cloud because of her.

Thyme Warp: Yes she is.

Electric Blueberry: Thanks to my friend because he told me or you gonna zap and turn into ashes.

Thyme Warp: Guys I had a question.

Mr. Grim-Brim: What is it Thyme Warp?

Thyme Warp: Do you remember when you are a human before you turn into zombie?

Mr. Grim-Brim: Actually we never experience to be a human Thyme Warp.

Thyme Warp: (In the mind) " They don't remember"

Stilts: How old are you Thyme Warp and Electric Blueberry?

Thyme Warp: Me and Blue are both 11.

Stilts: Okay.

Thyme Warp: I think we gonna go, bye-bye guys.

The anti bully squad: Bye-bye Thyme Warp and Electric Blueberry.

Electric Blueberry: They don't know that our age is 11 decades old.

Thyme Warp: I don't know what is really happen here these years but I hope they will remember that they are human.


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