Chapter Two

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January 28th, 1989, 2:48 pm

"Oh Michael, she is absolutely gorgeous!" my mother says, sitting on the sofa proudly looking down at her new grand-daughter. She turns to my father. "Joseph, would you just look at her?"

"Well..." My father says after a heavy breath. "She sure is pretty." That comment really put a smile on my face. "But Mike...aren't you worried?"

"W-what do you mean, Joseph?" I say, frowning.

"Well...aren't you worried that Camilla will rock up here and demand for Maddie?" he looks me right in the eyes. "Remember, Mike, Camilla IS Maddie's mom at the end of the day."

My eyes widen.

"Not on my watch! No way!" I protest, my voice slightly raised. "Don't you see? Camilla didn't want ANYTHING to do with me or Madeline. In fact, I was told over the phone she was going to ditch Maddie with me and never want to see her again."

Joseph sighs and looks down at the floor, hands clamped together. "Is that the case, is it?" He looks back up, then stands up from the chair, he walks over to me and puts his hand on my shoulder. "You know, I have a slight feeling, maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but eventually, she will come back, and demand for her daughter. You told me she was on crack, she might do it out of being high as fuck, who knows, Mike?"

I just stare into space for a second...yes, Camilla is on crack...maybe Joseph does have a point. I know there have been times in the past when Joe HAS traumatised me, but I know he would never lie to me when he can feel something coming.

"Oh Joseph, sit down! Don't be ridiculous." Mother says, looking at Joseph. He immediately does what she says, like a trained dog. Mother then looks at me "Don't listen to him, baby, he's just stirring you up."

"Ummm...yes, of course he is," I say quietly, in fact denying he actually has a point.

9:38 pm

"Shhhh Maddie, sweetheart, it's okay, daddy's got you," I say softly to my crying angel of a daughter, walking around the kitchen while rocking her in my arms, waiting for the microwave to finish warming up her bottle. "Oh I know you're hungry, little one, your bottle is almost done" I kiss her head a few times to try and calm her down.

I've actually been thinking really deeply about what Joseph said this afternoon. I do think he's right about Camilla. With her being higher than the fucking clouds on crack it would be likely for her to get her ass down here. I mean, mom could be right about him just talking trash but...I'm actually scared, to tell the truth. But either way, I will not let that crack whore anywhere near MY child.

I hear the microwave make the "ding" sound when it's done. I walk over to the microwave and get Maddie's bottle out. I then walk to the living room, make myself comfortable on the sofa and start feeding Maddie, who has started happily drinking from her bottle.

I look into her eyes and smile. I speak to her in a soft, happy-like voice like everyone else talks to babies in "You know, grandpa told me today that the crazy woman will come by over here and take you away from me. I really hope that won't happen to you because I will fight for you if she does try to take you from me" I take her little and and kiss it softly, she takes my thumb with her hand. "I'm not gonna let it happen, baby. You mean so much to me. I love you so much and I would be so broken if anything happened to you"

As I finish my sentence, she finishes the bottle. I take it and put it down on the coffee table, then snuggling Maddie closer to me, kissing her head and singing "I Just Can't Stop Loving You" softly to her, making her fall asleep in my arms.

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