Chapter 19

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It didn't take Michael long to calm Darcy down and reassure her that Tai's opinion didn't matter as long as they were together and happy and once he had, he took pleasure in listening to her recount of the few things she had bought so far. It seemed Tai hadn't just lied about how nice a time she was having, but at what she was getting up to with his money. From what he could gather, Darcy had bought plenty of things, at least two bags worth from each shop, but that everything she had bought was at a price she liked. Tai's words made Michael think that she was spending a good hundred odd dollars in each shop, which he didn't object to as long as it was for something she needed, but from what he was hearing she hadn't spent that on everything she'd bought put together. "Darcy, if you want something...darling don't worry about the cost, just get it." He urged her, somehow feeling that he was fighting a losing battle with her when it came to money and her spending habits. But then again, was that really a bad thing for him to have a girlfriend...a wife who wasn't obsessed with spending his money? Most guys in his situation would kill to have a wife who wasn't in love with their money and it wasn't as if Darcy was just biding her time, unsure of his intentions and not wanting to take advantage of his generosity because she knew that he wanted them to get married and she knew that he was going to do everything to make her his wife.

"You spend money how you like Michael, but I'm not going to spend three hundred dollars on a top just because it's pretty. It's completely ridiculous." She protested softly, a relief passing through them both at the fact that she felt comfortable enough with him to talk to him like a normal girlfriend would. She had been so quiet the day before, so unwilling to be herself as if she was scared to, that Michael had been worried she would stay that way forever. "There was something I was thinking about though..."

"And what's that?" Michael smiled to himself, enjoying the sound of her voice.

"Well...I thought that maybe I could do some food shopping while I was here." She began hesitantly, unsure of whether to go on in case she seemed presumptuous. But she had taken a look inside the fridge last night when Michael had been sleeping and even the cupboards seemed pretty bare and it wasn't as if she was surprised, because both Tai and Michael worked all the hours they could, but what other chance were they going to have to do food shopping? "You see...I had a look in the cupboards and the freezer and there was barely any food anywhere. I don't know if it's just because you eat at work a lot and Tai gets a lot of take outs, which is fine but I just thought...I thought maybe I could get some things while I was here to stock up, you know...for Tai so he's eating something substantial while you're in Tokyo." She gushed in a blur of thoughtful consideration that caught Tai off guard as he listened to her intently, unaware that she was now trying on the second dress that he had previously discarded as a suitable option for one of Michael's business events. But talking to her boyfriend made her less mindful of his brothers words and she quite liked the red satin that made her remember the way Michael had looked at her in her red dress that she had worn the day before. That was one dress that she would never get rid of.

"While we're in Tokyo." He corrected her with a smile, knowing that she hadn't forgotten that he'd asked her to go with him, but that she was just being careful with herself, not wanting to hear that he'd only said such a thing because they had slept together. "You know I could really kiss you right now." He admitted with a sigh as he thought back to the sensual kisses they had shared before he'd had to leave for work.

"Michael..." Darcy blushed to herself, wishing he was able to kiss her.

"What? You're my girl and I'll kiss you whenever I damned well please." Michael laughed at her embarrassment softly. She had nothing to be embarrassed about, he wasn't anywhere near her and even if he wanted to kiss her right then or not, he couldn't. But he liked that she was embarrassed, even if it was just because it showed she wanted him to kiss her. "Anyway, we both know you want me to do it, so stop acting so shy. But since you are, then yes drag Tai off to the food court and he can tell you what he eats. I'm sure he won't object to you buying him a ship load of food."

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