Austin and ally love story

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Austin's pov

"ok I'm ready" ally shouted walking out of the door "good let's go back to the mall" I said "im nervous" ally Said "don't be ally you will do great I promise" I said hoping to make her feel better but - I cut her off but nothing you will do great. Ok she said I could her the tone in her voice she didn't believe be. I promise ally I don't break a promise I said making her smile he Beutiful amazing smile god I loved this girl but she would never love me back I thought to my self you on austin she said hah talk about dez disturbing my thoughts hah I said grinning oh well its time to go the the show she said beaming. I followed her into the middle of the mall to my subprize ally look less scared

Allys pov

I was scared to death stepping on that stage I could either ruin my career or make it even better I lost my thought when I felt a hand on my back it was Austin reassuring me with a smile god I loved when he smiled I smiled back and begain to sing I felt a shock of energy I felt like I could do Anything it was amazing! After we finished the song we both ran of stage I smiled Austin smiled and he huged me screaming YOU DID IT! YOU DID IT! You were perfect he said um that fact that the guy love just called me perfect was amazing I smiled and said you were too

Austin's pov

My mind was going crazy with joy ally finally faced her fear got on stage and sang with all her mite it was the most perfect thing I ever herd and she thought I was to even better this night couldn't get any better I thought then she kissed my cheek my heart started pumping and I just smiled like a idiot mean while trish and dez watching this whole thing I turned to look at them I could feel my cheeks getting hotter witch ment that I was blushing! Oh no I could let her know I liked her so I hug her and said see you later and walked away

Allys pov

Oh no what have I done now he prob hates me or is in shock what just happend I couldnt help it I just was In the moment what did I just do did I just lose my BESTFRIEND!

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