How the heck did I get here?!

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I woke up with like two seconds of a blurred vision.. I couldn't remember how it happened. I looked to see the bedroom I own on Earth... EARTH?? Why am I on Earth?!?! Then I remembered the party... Vamette... The Vampyre Tears... ! I gasped. "Well, then.. Looks like I have to find a way to get back to the other world." I looked at two things: The window, showing perfect blue skies with a bright sun and like two pearly white clouds, and the alarm clock that is reading 7:30.. oh perfect.. School's in 45 minutes.. Well, now I should get dressed. I looked down at my outfit. I was still wearing the light lavender and baby blue dress I wore to the party.. Heh, I remember the Vamplets. God, Vamette must have a death wish. I changed into a dark red turtle neck I cut the sleeves off of about a couple weeks ago to give it an edgy modern look, black ripped skinny jeans with white threads, black and white knee-high sneakers heels. I put my hair into a messy up-do with a piece of dark red ribbon, grabbed my black knapsack still full of the textbooks, grabbed my iphone 6 (with, apparently, a white case with a black and deep purple nature detailing), and jumped down the twelve stairs to run to school. (Fi: I guess since it was never mentioned in the first one or the second, possibly, she most likely doesn't have parents so there's no mention of parents)

Vamplets 2: Vamette vs. DestinyWhere stories live. Discover now