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{You can listen to the song now but it's better if you wait till later when it says to ;)}

1 year later...

Diana's POV.

I waited anxiously outside the building for the love of my life to walk through those doors. Ethan had his arm around my waist, and Bailey was holding my hand tightly.

"Why are they taking so long?" I began to worry by each minute that passed, "Diana, you've gotta be patient. Don't worry he'll come." I nodded with a sigh.

I looked at my phone, 2:59pm, just one more minute. I began to tap my foot as I already knew Ethan and Bailey were probably tired of my shit.

I don't know what got into me but suddenly tears began to trail down my cheeks, "H-He's not coming." A sob escaped me, as Ethan took me in his arms. Wrapping them safely around me.

"Diana." Ethan whispers, "Yeah?" I sniffed looking up at him and then I see Ethan was looking at something else with a smile on his face. I look in the direction he is looking, and I couldn't help but run.

The moment I reached him, he picked me up and swirled me around once, I grabbed his jaw pulling his lips close to mine. I longed for his lips on mine. It had been a few weeks I wasn't able to see him.

I was too busy with school and I wasn't able to come on visiting hours. Since I moved here to be closer to him. But a year had already passed and Grayson had shown great improvement this past year that they thought it was acceptable to let him go if he made half a year more in the asylum and another in prison.

He made it through though, we made it through together. "I missed you so much baby." Grayson whispers in my ear wrapping his muscular arms around my body.

"I missed you too." I smile at him, he smirks, "Come on let's go home." He says pecking my lips one more.
Grayson's POV.

Diana was opening the door of our new home. I was quite excited, finally I would be able to feel normal, and I'd be happily spending my time with the love of my life.

I was the first one to walk in, and the moment I did people jumped out of hidden places. Catching me by surprise when they said, "SURPRISE!" Obviously.

A smile creeper on my face, Diana stood by my side.But what surprised me the most was when I saw something I thought I'd never see again.

My family.

"Cameron? M-Mom?" I stutter not being able to believe they were standing right in front of me. My mom nods slowly, tears staring to form in her eyes.

I slowly walk up to her, and without thinking twice I pull her into my arms, in need for my mother.

I could feel my mothers chest heavy against mine, she was crying.

She lulled away and held the frame of my face tight, "I should have never locked you away like that. You're human too, and I didn't treat you like one." She began.

"No mom, forgive me. For doing what I did, I was sick, hurt, and tired of everything that was going on in our life. I'm sorry." She nkds and kisses my forehead.

"Hey this is a welcome party, its supposed to be a happy party not a sad one!" Cheers my sister Cameron, "Oh come here you!" I hug my older sister.

"Well let's celebrate!" Shouts Ethan, everyone in the room cheers along.

It was the best day of my life, I think...
Diana's POV.

I was exhausted after the party, Grayson was saying his goodbyes already downstairs. While I was upsatirs in our bedroom.

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