Chapter 1

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The days were usually busy for Flame Princess. A citizen needs this, there's a crisis here, a political outrage there. It wasn't that she felt bored. But something inside her felt empty. She knew she was beginning to miss something. After all, she was 18 now, and had spent the past 3 years focused completely on her kingdom. Was it selfish for her to suddenly want to focus on herself? She thought of Princess Bubblegum and how she rejected all emotional ties in order to be completely immersed in her growing empire. But Flame Princess knew she wasn't Bubblegum. She had needs, she had wants-she was lonely.

She sat in her throne, fingering the intricate carvings in the flaming steel.

"Princess, what's on your mind? Is it about the kingdom?" A caring, yet goofy Cinnamon Bun asked.

She ignored the question, too focused on the internal war waging within her.

"Princess? Hello?" Cinnamon Bun waved a hand in front of Flame Princess's face.

"Oh, what? No, no it's nothing." She sighed dramatically.

"Okay, good!" The clueless bun chirped.

She felt a tinge of irritation. She loved her champion, Cinnamon Bun, but at times we was so vacant, so oblivious.

"Cinnamon Bun, does a ruler have to be alone to rule a kingdom? I mean, is isolating yourself to a loveless life a part of being a true leader? Not that I don't love my people, but..." She slumped lower in her throne. "Do you understand what I'm saying?"

"Princess, do you want to start dating?" Apparently he was a bit sharper than she have him credit for.

"I don't know. I'm just feeling like if I'm gonna rule this place, it'd be easier if I had a partner, someone to share my kingdom with. I don't see any other princesses getting married or dating but I can't shake this depression. Every morning I wake up alone. Does it have to be this way? Am I being selfish?"

"I think it's time to set you up with some dates. What's a queen without a king? You have to rule by your own standards, not those of others. Maybe my dog knows of some guys." Oh, Cinnamon Bun. If only he ended his statements one sentence earlier, he would sound so much more intelligent. He had moments of fluidity, but they never lasted long.

He had a point. Maybe it was time for her to open up and date again. It had been years since he had her first boyfriend, Finn.


She wondered how he had grown up, too. They only dealt with one another under extreme circumstances-a battle, a political dinner, a celebration of his heroism. They never really spoke unless they had to and even then it was painful. But time had matured him, she could see that just from observing him from a far. She distanced herself so much from him she had forgotten how much she once loved him. It was an immature relationship, but it meant the world to her. Was she beginning to miss him? Or was it just her loneliness spilling over into her memories. Besides, he had dated plenty over the years. He might even have a girlfriend. No. No, she couldn't go back there. She had to start fresh. But the thought of being with Finn tugged at her mind.

Then she remembered her "elemental matrix", as PB put it. Was she still volatile? Years ago, she was poisoned by her handmaiden. Ever since, her skin was at a luke warn temperature at best. Her hair still glowed brightly, but she could no longer light object on fire with only her touch. She was stabilized. Maybe romantically she was safe, as well. Only one way to find out.

She remembered her first kiss with Finn. His mouth was cool, soft. She yearned to kiss someone again.

She was so deep into her thoughts she didn't realize Cinnamon Bun had been talking about potential suitors. He apparently had a list in line already.

"We can make an announcement to all the eligible males in the kingdom! Or or wait...wait...let's have a royal ball! You're so soft and squishy now you can date all types of guy! Maybe even a candy person.." He blushed, a daydreamy look in his eyes.

"A ball, huh? I don't know. I mean, it couldn't hurt. Maybe Flambo can escort everyone in, so we can hold it here. Cast flame shield, keep people safe." She sat up in her throne. "Ok. Ok, let do it. I think this could be a decent idea. It'll be fun, at the very least. There's nothing wrong with me having fun. Maybe we could invite Finn..." She whispered to herself.

"Finn?" CB squeaked. "Finn the Human?"

"Oh, never mind, just a silly thought. Ya know. Just to invite an old friend. Nothing weird or anything, heh heh..." She blushed. What in the world was she thinking?

CB smiled. "Finn and Jake would be fun. Jake's puppies would be fun, too!"

"Yeah, Jake..."

"I'll make a royal announcement right away and invite everyone! We'll find a perfect prince for my princess."

Maybe this wasn't such a good idea. Yet she couldn't say no to seeing Finn. Even if nothing came of it, she had to talk to him again. Maybe, just maybe he was what she was missing.

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