A Change In The Weather

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Dirk lay on the sandy shores of a remote beach, his tail fin skimming the water and causing it to ripple. Ever since he was young, he'd been warned of humans and told to stay away from them. After all, they were just landdwelling idiots who hadn't much brain of their own existence. Because of the human race, merpeople were going extinct. Yet still, he'd never seen one and as he grew older, he'd begun to think it an old wives tale.

Dirk lifted his spiky blonde hair from the sand at the sounds of footsteps, unlike any animal he'd heard, in the sand not far.
-How didn't I hear that before?-
Dirk wondered as he slid back into the waves, diving under the rolling currents and rounding back to a set of rocks against the shore. He hid himself behind a few tall stones and watched with wide eyes as a dark haired boy with sun kissed skin ran through the sand, holding a wooden rod and tacklebox.

Jake let out a sigh of relief as his bare feet hit the cool, wet, sand, where the waves rolled in. "It seems we're alone," he smiled to himself and set down the large tackle box in his hand, taking out a worm and looping it on to the hook of his fishing pole. His head jolted up at the sound of splashing, but he shook it away and diverted his attention back to his rod. Jake swung his arms back and cast out past the break zone with high hopes.
Dirk peaked his head over the rocks as to catch a better look of the new comer. His head tilted and he couldn't remove his gaze from the other boy.
He opened his mouth slightly, in awe. He'd never been more attracted to anything, let alone a human. He bit his lip and suddenly felt his grip on the stone let out. Into the water he splashed, freezing in case he'd been heard. Dirk stayed behind the rocks, holding his breath until he saw a line fly over the waves and sink into the water. He narrowed his eyes and dove under the water, swimming to where the bright green orb was bobbing up and down. He watched as a fish swam eagerly towards a small pink creature and that's when it hit him. Dirk quickly blocked the fish and growled, scaring it away from the danger. His fin tips flicked in annoyance, this was his beach and nobody would hurt his friends. He pulled down on Jake's hook, continuing to let go and watch as Jake reeled in nothing.
Dirk snickered and spent the rest of his day taunting Jake with slight tugs and even a small war took place, wear Dirk grabbed the hook and pulled as hard as he could till the line snapped.
Jake let out a heavy sigh as he stared at the broken line on his rod. "I guess that's it for today," he sighed heavily and started packing up. As he began his trek through the sand, he cast a glance over his shoulder, a bright orange flicker against the waters surface catching his eye before disappearing in the red washed waves. His face scrunched in confusion and he thought the rest of the night of the color he'd seen against the ocean water. Everyday he'd go back, hoping to see it again, and everyday he came home with empty hands or a broken line. Finally, Jake decided this was his last day, if he didn't catch anything by sundown then he wouldn't come back. As he cast out, he caught sight of an orange fin skimming the surface for hardly a second before his attention was jolted back to a bite on his hook. He jerked the rode and started to reel in what once more was an empty hook.

Dirk had spent everyday by the shore and at first he solely came back to protect his less intelligent friends from the human, but as the days passed, Dirk found he'd grown a liking toward the human. Not only that, but a dark curiosity hid itself in the back of Dirk's mind. He wanted to know everything. He'd even learned his name from the side of his tacklebox. Jake was persistent, that was for sure.
Dirk let out a yawn as the sun sunk low in sky. Everyday jake would cast out until just before the sun touched the sea before giving in and heading back to his home, and everyday Dirk would turn to leave as the sun touched the horizon.
As the merman turned to leave, he felt a sudden pain shoot through his tail. He let out a gasp and took off through the water.
Jake let out shrill squeak as he was pulled into the pounding waves. He'd finally caught something, but it was bigger than he'd ever imagined. He dug his feet into the sand and pulled hard, but he lost the battle and was pulled forward into the crashing waves. The pole was swept from his hands and Jake was buried in an endless cascade of salt water.
Dirk felt the line release and the pain in his tail dulled. He turned to see a hook there and looked up through the water. The merman shot forward toward the human, floating under the waves.
He hauled Jake on to the sand and placed his hands on the boys chest. His heart beat like a drum and his stomach was in his throat as he pushed down on Jake's chest. Why was he so worried, it was just a stupid human, but it wasn't, not anymore. Dirk had become attached to Jake. He loved to see his face everyday, the freckles and glasses, the slightly messy hair. Everything about the human made Dirk want to see him even more. Again, the merman pushed down on Jake's chest, and to his relief, the dark haired boy coughed up the salt water and his chest started moving again on its own as he drifted back into unconsciousness.
Dirk brushed a strand of stray hair from Jake's eyes and smirked, "Don't ever die on me again." He chuckled quietly and looked at the calm figure that lay asleep against him.
Dirk glanced up to see the sun disappearing against the ocean. He looked down at Jake's sleeping figure and a shade of worry darkened his face. Jake hadn't seemed to move since passing out, at least aside from the steady rising and falling of his chest. Dirk felt his own eyelids drooping with exhaustion. The sun was disappearing, melting into the ocean. A yawn escaped his lips and he started drifting in-between the waking world and sleep.
Jake let out a small moan and shifted his position against the sand. He pulled up his hands and rubbed his eyes, confusion clouding his gaze. The last thing he remembered was being thrusted under the water before everything went dark. He blinked, looking up at the night sky and wondering how he was still alive. Suddenly, he let out a small squeal. His hand had brushed against something rather scaly, and as he looked up to investigate, something rather hard slammed into his back, knocking him breathless.
Dirks eyes flew open and his tail thudded against the previously sleeping boys chest on impulse. The merman tensed, not knowing what to do as Jake stared directly at him. He shifted uncomfortably under Jake's charming green gaze. He flicked his tail, which was still sore from being hooked, and slid into the water.
Jake watched in unfathomable confusion at the bright orange eyes of a ... A merman? The olive skinned boy scrambled backwards as the merman disappeared into the black glassy waves.

A Drop In The Ocean (DirkJake?) -on hold-Where stories live. Discover now