Truth Be Told (pt. 2)

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2 weeks later....

Sophie's POV.

Finally I'm out of that freaky hospital it's so boring there! Urghhhh..

Well now since the incident happened there are 2 huge body guards who keep following me & John everywhere! Well except the bathroom & our rooms.. Hello?! PRIVACY! PEACE!

So Next week my family, John's family, Greyson's family & Some of our other friends are going to Paris! Cool Right?? So yea... Me & My Family has already packed our stuff..

Yesterday mom & dad bought me & Albert each a Nikon DSLR! Both of us were so happy..

And we took alot of pictures together then uploaded it on facebook & Instagram.. 

I was still going to pack my things, So I grabbed my pink tiger patterned trolley & backpack with the same pattern but has alot of keychains & hello kitty patches hey I'm CHILDISH! :P ^.^ Hahahahaha

I went to my walk-in closet & grabbed my new & pretty shirts, pants & dresses & put them in the trolley neatly & put my toiletries in a small bag and also ut it in the trolley.. When I was finished putting it in my trolley I put my trollet at the side & I took out my gadgets like IPad, IPhone 5, ITouch 5, MP3 Player & Netbook (mini laptop) then put in in my pink backpack.. And some other important stuff etc. etc. ..

After that I grabbed a book & my glasses & just read until I fell asleep..

I woke up the next day at 4:30 AM and realized It's Sunday so  I just wore my shorts & crop shirt because I will be roaming around at the park with my Dog... Weird right? Hahaha


I was just walking with my dog then I accidentally bumped into someone..

Me: Ay Jusko po..


Boy: *looks up

Hi Babe! *kisses your forehead

Turns out it was just John..

Me: Hello Sweetheart..

John: You didn't tell me you have a dog.

Me: Mom & Dad bought it last week..

John: Ohh okay..

Me: *gets the dog

This is Samantha

Dog: *barks then licks John's face

John: Hahaha Cute!

Is this our baby?

Me: Well it looks ike you hahahaha!

John: Hey that's not nice! *smirks

Me: She's my dog you weirdo!

John: Well I'll call her baby Sammy!

Me: Okay then.. You're on your own I'm going back to our house..

John: Oh okay.. Can I come with you???

Me: Sure, why not?  *smiles

John: Yay!

1 week later...

Announcer: FLight 5J-981 Bound for Paris, France is now accepting passengers.

John: Babe wake up.. Boarding time na.. 

Me: Okay

We rode the plane..

Me & John was at the window side there was 2 chairs anyways..

So I sat at the window then John at the aisle seat..

I just kept holding his hand because I was really nervous..

Here's the arrangement..

Me|John            Maya|Stephanie|Alexa|Albert                    Greyson|Maddi

Tanner|HisGF   MyDad|MyMom|John'sMom|John'sDad      Grey'sMom|Grey'sDad

After asdfghjkl hours we arrived at Paris.. And wow it's beautiful! There are so many flowers..

John both me a bouque of roses, chocolates & also a balloon that has a prince that says J&S..

Awww How sweet.. Me & John took alot of pictures together with our families and friends..

Then we went to our hotel.. Me, Stephanie, Alexa, Maya, Greyson, John, Tanner & Maddi will be sharing a Deluxe room.. Like woah it's huge!

~~~~Fast Forward!

It was night time & I went to look for John then I saw a note on the fridge..

It says: "Sophie, Sweetie meet me at the Ifle Tower.. Love You!<33 -John^^

Aw how sweet! *blush..

So I took out my floral dress & black leather jacket & white flats then headed to the Ifle tower...

Then I saw Greyson & Maddi dating.. Urghhh -_____-'

When I saw John I went to him & he hugged me then he showed me a heart necklace then he opened the heart there was a picture if both of us on the other side was his picture.. Awww..

It's so beautiful.. He put it around my neck & locked it..

He also showed me his necklace it has the same picture & my picture too..

After that we ate our dinner & took some pictures again..

Then we went near the wishing well..

John: Make A Wish My Princess *smiles

Me: Hmm.. I wish I will have a happily ever after!

John: Aww that's cute!

Me: *pouts

John: *pinches nose Still Cute!

Me: Awww *laughs

John: *laughs

When me & John arrived at the hotel I saw Grey & Maddi kissing.. Hmmm PDA much! 

Then me & John went to our room & I sat on the couch with him then watched Titanic..

John's POV

I was watching Titanic with Sophie then when I looked at her she was already sleeping..

I took out my ITouch 5 and took a picture of her.. Then I carried her to her bed & tucked her in..

Then someone opened the door & it was Stephanie & Maya they were laughing

Me: Maya! Steph! Stop laughing my Angel is sleeping..

Maya: Aww You're so sweet

Stephanie: No Wonder tons of girls fall for you..

Me: Yeah Right *smirks

The next day.............


I am so sorry for not updating yestrday guys! I've been busy lately so yea..

Hope you like it :)



From Our Two Different Worlds (A GC FanFic) (On Hold)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon