Jenna's Home

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1:46am Friday 

28th of September 

Jenna's home 

"Can you please tell me right away if there's any news."  

Jenna stood up and led the police officers outside.  

"Yes Jenna, we will contact you". 

Cole replied. The police officers left and Jenna closed the door. Before she actually goes to her room she went to the living room and called Stew, Stew was her Maine coon cat. Her father gave it to her so she could have companion to her new home. She put Stew on her bed and lies down. 

"I'm so lonely Stew, hope that Dylan is okay, I would probably get insane if there's something wrong happened". 

Jenna hugged her pillow and suddenly fell asleep. A few minutes later Stew jumped off the bed and went to the door. He was scratching it as he wanted to go outside. He keeps on meowing and scratching. Jenna woke up and saw Stew.  

"What Stew?"  

she stood up and opened the door. Stew runs outside and Jenna turned her back and wanted to continue her sleep. 

"Come on Stew" 

Jenna's consciousness was really made her eyes wide open as she heard someone was calling Stew.  

"Come on" she heard it again. 

"Dylan?" she murmured.  

She hurried to open the door and called Dylan with a smile in her face.  


she's expecting Stew was with Dylan's lap as he always lied on Dylan's at the sofa. She excitedly went to the living room and She saw Stew sited at the center table and staring at the sofa, surprisingly Dylan was not there. 

"Stew? You're alone in here? what are you doing there huh? Come on we have to go to sleep it's already 2am, I have work tomorrow you know that."  

She was really sure someone called Stew but as she found no one, she ignores it anyway. She picked up Stew and a small cloth suddenly fell on the carpet. She felt it on her arm as she put Stew into her shoulder like a baby. She saw the white handkerchief and slowly picked it up. As she unfolded it looking if there's any initials imprinted and thought that it belongs one of the officers, she was surprised on what she saw. There are several fingernails scrabbled in pieces. She was on shocked, she threw it immediately making it slapped by the wall causing the fingernails scattered on her carpet. She accidentally dropped Stew and rushed to the kitchen took a knife and called Cole.  

"Can you please come here in my apartment? I think there's someone in here." 

Jenna was gasping but brave enough to decide that she was going to look over in her living room. She put down the phone and slowly walked out of the kitchen, tightly holding the knife in her right hand and glanced at the living room. She saw Stew sited on the sofa staring at her. "Stew!, come on." She whispered.  

As she continued walking to the living room she rolled her eyes in every part of the room looking around if there's someone else. She picked up Stew then-someone run behind her very fast. She look at her back but there's still no one.  

"Who is it!" she shouted.  

She picked up Stew and walked slowly on her way back to the kitchen. She looked around but still there's no one. She sighs and turned around quickly and have a face to face with a man wearing a black hooded coat, and his mouth was slitted, he smiled at her making his slitted mouth slowly opened way up into his ears. His sharp teeth was clearly seen. Jenna screams so loud and her knees were crumbling, she accidentally sits down on the floor. She quickly closed her eyes ang hug Stew really tight.  

"Jenna?!.." someone called her outside, rang the doorbell and knocked at the same time. Jenna opened her eyes and the slit mouthed man was not there anymore. 


She run immeadiately, unlock the door and opened it.  

"Mr. Cole thank God you're here, S..S..Sorry to contact you this morning."  

"It's ok Jenna. Wait here" said Cole. 

He looked around walked right to the kitchen while pointing his gun along his way. He kept on searching to Jenna's apartment but he found nothing. Jenna's unit was not that spacious, just well enough for a couple to live in. 

"It's negative Jenna, theres no one here and I can see that there's no forced entry" said Cole. 

"There's someone here Mr. Cole, I..I saw him! She insisted. 

"Saw who?" asked Mr. Cole. 

"Jenna.. I know you...." 

"But here there's a handkerchief here, I think someone was messing around with me," Jenna looked for the handkerchief that she was thrown a while ago. 

"It's here, I threw it here." She insisted but the handkerchief was gone.  

As Mr. Cole put his gun into his pocket Jenna was still looking of the handkerchief. 

"Jenna, I know it's really hard for you to accept that Dylan is still missing, I know what does it feels like."  

"But there's someone in here." Jenna answered.  

Mr. Cole nodded but not actually believing Jenna, his phone rang and answered it eagerly.  

"Yes??..... Ok ok I'll be right there." Putting his phone back into his chest pocket, he gradually fixed his cap in place.  

"Chief called, I'm sorry but I have to go Jenna. You'll be safe here don't worry, If you need me you know what to do."  

Mr. Cole left and Jenna was still confused on what was happening. She locked the door, picked up Stew and went to her room. She still was confused, thought that there's an intruder broke into her house and maybe involved to Dylan's lost or~ something's creepy. "I know something's wrong Stew, something's wrong." 

She didn't even have a sleep that day.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2013 ⏰

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