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five kingdoms

1)Plants : cellulose cell wall, use light energy to produce food eg flowering plants, trees, ferns and mosses.

2) Animals : multicelluluar, feed on other organisms eg) vertebrates and invertebrates

3) fungi: cell wall of chitin, produce spores Eg) toadstools,mushroooms,yeasts and moulds

4) Protoctista: mostly single celled organisms eg amoeba, paramecium

5) prokaryotes : no nuclues eg bacteria, blue green algae

Arthrops are an important group of invertebrates there are 4 types

1) insecsts : 3 body parts , 2 pairs of wings and 3 pairs of legs eg). bees nd butterflies

2) Arachnids : 2 body parts , 4 pairs of legs eg) spiders + scorpians

3) crustaceans : segmented body parts, 2 pairs of antennae likr structure infront of mouth eg crabs lobsters and shrimps

4) Myriapods.: many body segments between 20 - 400 legs eg) centipedes and millepedes

the organisms are divided








A useful way to understand evolutianary relationships is to show them as evolutianary trees

Systems of classification change overtime due to new techniques and evidence some classification systems are natural and based on evoloutionary relationships

others are artificial and used simply for the purpose of identification.

To place organisms in correct group scientists look at evolutionary relationships evidence can be found using sequences of bases in dna and looking at the proteins that similiar organisms possess.

the more closely related they are the more similiar their dna and proteins.

other difficulties arise when dealing with hybrids and when trying to make a decision based on how far on species has evolved from another.

groups of organisms that share similiar characteristics.are called.species.

members of the.same species can mate to produce fertile offfspring

each species is given two latin names this method is called the binomial naming system

some organisms from different species can mate to reproduce nd give birth to a hybrid

hybrids are not fertile so they cant be called a new species.

species that share a lot of common feautures tend to live in similiar habitats.

they compete for resources and survive in the same conditions

however closely related species can be found on different continents where conditions may be different so the species may have evolved to adapt to different conditions

organisms with similiar characteristics are not always related eg wales dolphing nd sharks different ancestor but look similiar due to same enviroment

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2013 ⏰

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