The first day

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"One early morning/late night i was awoken by gun shots." wrote Jay to begin the beginning of his autobiography.
"i had to of been about 10..." explained Jay. "They sounded louder than what they really were."
"so i ran outside to see what had happened & to see who had gotten shot"
"i never really thought this would happen, but it did."
"i saw my dad laying in a pool of blood... his blood"
" i didnt know what to do except cry.."
"i didnt even help him, i was frozen. stuck. my eyes grew wider & wider as i stood there & watched my own father suffer from 3 gun wounds."
"my older brother KJ had woken my mom up by the screams of him crying."
"my mother called the cops as soon as she saw blood"
"but I don't think she knew who had got shot"
"and to be honest I don't think she would want to know"
"as soon as she stepped foot outside she let out the most loudest, bloody, horrifying yell."
"I didn't know what to do to be honest I had never seen my father get shot."
"or atleast that i know of."
"he was always in the streets, I barely got to see him. it kind of made me wonder"
"i was only 10 years old, i had never been in a situtation like this before."
"nor did i want to be in this situation"
"i cant go on, i rather not" said Jay to his sophmore homeroom teacher..
"why do i gotta tell you this bullshit anyways man, fuck this shit."
"its so i can get to know my students better" said Ms.Ceasar.
"that dont mean you gotta make me feel like shit while reading this bullshit ass autobiography. you dont gotta do shit for me but grade my damn work" said Jay angerly.
"you need to relax JayCeon"
"Man whatever."
she called on KJ next, not knowing we were brothers i guess"
"Keyshawn, your next." said Ms.Ceasar.
"Fuck no dawg."
"and why is that?" said Ms.Ceasar with a sour look on her face.
"you dont needa know what the fuck ive been through... i anit with that shit"
*Brrrrriiiinnnnnngggg* went the classroom bell.
"finally 5th period" mumbled a student from the class
"LUNCH TIMEEEE" screamed out one of the white girls.
I hurried to get my things, then i stood next to my brother in line.
"i cant stand this school already" said Kj.
"Brah me neither, im damn near ready to drop out" said Jay.
"nah bro, we gotta do this shit fo' dad. i know he'd want the best for us." said Kj
"you gotta point but shiiiiit."

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