Moving again!/ another new school! #6

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So after awhile living at my new home it was fine, I was doing well in school, I even went to singing lessons! It was great, but the people that owned the house where kinda creeps, they where a kinda old couple, the guy always put his hand on my face saying how beautiful I am In Front of everyone, the woman was an idiot so my family didn't want to put up with them so we moved again, we didn't move that far but I still had to go to a new school. The old school I went to was mundijong primary ( I think, something like that) and first grade was horrible! There where a lot of bully's, I was the only one that was on my best behaviour I was always quiet and hard working but the teacher thought I was stupid just like any other teacher, they just expect you to know everything. Anyway other than that it was ok I guess but I still hated it, when I went home from my first day all I did was look at the pool in the back yard with my nans dog ( yep we even had a shitty ass pool that was kinda broken) and from that day I knew things where gonna get much, much, much worse and that some bad things are gonna happen. And yes bad things did happen! I got chickenpox for the first time! And I got a crappy old ps2 my " auntie " gave me and yeah it wasn't great, plus nan and pop started to be very mean to me and mum as well.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2015 ⏰

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