Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

The Akatsuki were watching Miyaka with a calculating eye.  If she attacked in waves and became harder and harder like a game it could become a problem.  They had to stop her from moving, or until Emi was ready to stop her.

Itachi narrowed his eyes at her emotionless face, "we have to constrict her."

Hidan raised a brow.  "Constrict?  Why?"

"Because if it's like Emi said, then she will attack again and we don't need any of us dying yet."

"Ha!  You might be able to die, but I can't!" He shouted triumphantly, and he charged at her grabbing his scythe on the way.

Swinging his scythe towards her, it hit something stopping it mid-air.  He cursed and jumped back when the familiar light green rippling was seen surrounding her.  She may not be 'all there' at the moment but she still had her powers that protect her.

Her head turned towards him, her blank stare giving him the creeps.  Her eyes held something deep in them that was almost not visible.  It was something he hadn't seen in a very long time.  

He knew that she had to be desperate to have an emotion like that hidden in her eyes.

"Dammit, Miyaka,"  Hidan muttered to himself.


Hidan turned his head to see Kakuzu walk up beside him staring at Miyaka.

"Nothing.  Forget it."

Kakuzu saw the blank stare look on her face and felt something hurt in his chest.  It wasn't very noticeable but it was in her eyes.  It was pain.  Her eyes were calling to him, asking him to help her.

He was snapped out of his thoughts when she jumped at Hidan, her barrier gathering power and glowing brighter.  Hidan swung his scythe towards her again, but she grabbed onto it with her bare hand.  But because of the barrier surrounding her body, it didn't do any harm to her.

Kakuzu went to interrupt her from throwing his partner, but she stuck her hand out and threw him back with a force field.  He slid back several feet before coming to a stop beside Itachi.

She flipped over Hidan until she was over his head and put both hands on his shoulders, and bent so her feet planted on the ground her back facing his, then using as much strength as she could muster she tossed him over her head and he flew towards Leader.

Leader had to move his head slightly to avoid Hidan's body hitting his head.  Leader saw her launch toward him but her gaze was on Hidan.  She didn't care about everyone else, Hidan was her objective.

"Almighty push!"  She was tossed across the area.

Kakuzu's threads wrapped around her and slammed her into the ground, making dust fly around where she had landed.  

He was suddenly being pulled by his threads towards the dust.  He hardened himself trying to stop from being pulled.  But when he was pulled faster he let his threads go until they went slack and returned to him.  He had to cut the ones that were around her so she would stop pulling him.

The smoke cleared and she stood with Kakuzu's threads hanging loosely around her arms and torso.  She shook them off and looked where Hidan was standing beside Leader.  Her jaw tensed, and her eyebrow twitched barley.

Some things came whistling through the air, and she flipped out of the way so they hit trees some distance behind her.  Needles.  Sasori was now inside Hiruko, spitting poison needles towards her making her keep her distance.

"Why did she bother dodging them if she has a barrier?"  Deidara asked raising an eyebrow.

"It wasn't up," Itachi said.  "I can see when it's up or not.  Sasori surprised her so she moved just to be safe." 

"Wait.  I thought that it goes up on its own?  Why wouldn't it be up?"  Asked Kisame.

She disappeared and appeared behind Kisame swinging her leg towards his head in mid-air.  Her foot made contact with the outside of his sword, as he swung it just in time.  The others were surprised to see her appear in the middle of the group and attack one of the members.  Deidara threw some of his bombs at her and jumped back, and the others followed his lead.


An explosion blew up right when they got near her face.  

The dust settled and all that was there was the torn up ground.  No sign of Miyaka.

Suddenly a fist came out of the ground towards his face.  He moved back just as it passed in front of him, and grabbed her wrist pulling her towards him so he could land a punch.  She used her other hand to block it and brought her leg towards his stomach.  He brought up his knee to block her, the then went to headbutt her.  But his head made contact with something else.

Her barrier was around her again stopping Deidara from hitting her.  He suddenly flew backward sliding along the dirt on his balls of his feet.

Needles shot at her, but bounced off her and scattered along the ground around her.  She ran at him but threads went in front of her making her back flip away from them.

Turning her head she looked at Kakuzu as his threads returned to him.  Her eye narrowed at him watching him closely.


Miyaka stood painfully, as her head pounded from the rough landing.  Akuma had blasted her up into the air and kicked her back down into the ground knocking the air out of her lungs.  She could swear that at least two of her ribs were fractured or broken as the pain throbbed around in her abdomen.  

Something wet dripped down the side of her face, and she used her hand to wipe it off.  Her hand now had blood on it from her wound on her head.

She looked at Akuma standing in front of her with the barrier around her.  The look on her face was just pissing her off.  Smug.  It looked like she thought of her as a piece of gum that was stuck to the bottom of her shoe.

"Satisfied?"  Miyaka asked her, even though she knew that she wasn't even close to being finished.

Akuma raised an eyebrow at her "you tell me.  Do I look finished to you?"

"Hmm, can't really say, you make the same face twenty-four hours a day seven days a week."   She said dryly.

Akuma's eye twitched slightly.  "I'm amazed you can still make jokes in the position you're in, Miyaka."

She was then kicked forward.  Akuma had appeared behind her and used her foot to thrust her forward. Miyaka skidded along the dirt on her stomach.

She turned on her back looking at Akuma walking towards her, but something orange had come out of the ground grabbing onto Akuma's arm.  Then it wrapped around her legs and torso and pulled her towards the ground forcing her to her knees.

"W-what the hell!  It went through the barrier?"  She looked up towards the sky and yelled,  "Emi, you damn brat, release me this instant.!"

Miyaka stood and realized that the orange ropes that had attached themselves to Akuma were Emi's restricting Jutsu.  It was designed to make Akuma submit to her and force her powers out of her, and if she doesn't then it would cause her pain.

Now she had a chance to turn this fight around, and she wasn't about to abandon it.


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