Chapter 4

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"Well, first of all, we do have powers." Liam states, looking straight at me.

"We have more than one, but I'll just name out main ones." He says

"Okay." I nod, encouraging him to go on.

"Well, mine is moving things around, just by using my mind." Liam says.

"Louis,care to tell her what yours is?" Liam asks, raising his eyebrows.

"I know exactly what you're thinking right now." Louis says suddenly, and I widen my eyes.

"What? No way." I say astonished.

"You think this is cool, but freaky." He sates, then smiles at me.

Niall laughs, probably at my astonished face

"What do you do Zayn?" I ask, looking at him.

"I bring people pain." He says as if its nothing.

"Violent." I mutter.

"Yeah, that's what's so great about it." He laughs.

Oh god, note to self: Do not make Zayn angry.

Louis suddenly laughs, and I suppose he was reading my mind.

That's going to get annoying.

"Niall?" I ask, wondering what his power is

"Oh, I can heal people, I can control nature a bit, and I can eat alot." He says, and Liam just snorts at the last part.

I giggle and he flashes a smile at me.

"Don't you want to know what I do?" Harry asks smiling.

God, no I don't give a shit.

I hear Louis laughing again. Dammit stop reading my mind!

"Sure, why not?" I say, not caring.

"Well my dear," he starts. Don't call me that. "I can mirror you, seduce you, make you want me. I can do many more things, I can also bring you pain." He finishes, and looks at me as if saying 'you better do as I say'. A big whoop, I'm not scared of you.

I snort and say "Wow. 'Seduce me'? Pshh, that's a waste of power." I laugh

"Is not! It won't be soon enough." He says, then comes and sits next to me.

"So, background stories?" I ask, getting up an moving next to Louis.

"How about you start?" I ask, patting his knee.

I'm trying with all my power to ignore Harry and make him angry.

He does seem pretty pissed right now, he starts tensing up and such.

"Well I was walking home one night," he starts, and he starts thinking "And it was really dark out, and I heard someone behind me. Next thing I know, I hear a whoosh and I'm pushed up against a wall.."

*Louis POV*


I was on my way home, and it was dark and pretty chilly out.

The only light outside was the flickering of the street light, which was about to go out.

I thought I heard someone behind me, so I turned around, but of course no one was there.

I mean, who else would be out , especially here, at this time of night.

'Whoosh'. I heard a noise. I stopped in my tracks, looking around, but only to find the dark streets.

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