dare 3

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Me: we have another dare from the same person from last time. She says

Can I and Russia play 1 hour in heaven.

Me: sure you can. Russia get your vodka loving ass in here!
Russia and Oliver:*comes in*
Oliver:swear jar.
Me:ugh *puts money in*
Anyway Russia you have to play 1 hour in heaven with my biddy ol pal ash and no becoming one.(A/N my character has very good hearing so good she can heat you breath.)
Russia: fine *takes ash with him to the closet.
______once they are in the closet_______
Me:*can hear lip sucking and shudders* you better no becoming one on there!
__________one hour later_______________
Me:*opens closet* I said no becoming one!

Well that's it please leave me some dares or truths for me in the comments and I'll see you next time.

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