Chapter One

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The Devil doesn't come dressed in a red cape and pointy horns.

He comes as everything you've ever wished for. -Unknown

Tears. The tears filled my eyes, threatening to spill down my cheeks and ruin the makeup I'd spent over an hour putting on this morning...for him. All of this, every single f***ing thing, every damn day. It was all for him. For that heart breaking man-whore, when this whole time he was sleeping with that backstabbing b**** from the receptionists desk.

How could he do this to me? To us?

"Amber, I-" Brian started to say.

I shook my head as I interrupted his most likely pathetic excuse, "No, don't even try to make this okay or make it sound like a misunderstanding, because it's obviously neither of those things. And, Brian, you won't need to worry about me being confused; thanks to you, everything is crystal clear now."

That b**** smirked from behind his shoulder as she stood there, amused with my foolishness and high level of naivety. Honestly, I was too, but that's okay - her having any opinion about it is not okay, not even in the slightest bit.

"I swear to God, Jennifer, I will b****slap that smirk right off of your f***ing face," I warned her angrily.

She let out an amused chuckle and shook her head at me, whispering something in his ear before walking off.

"Please, Amber, just listen to me," Brian started to beg.

"Listen to you? You must be joking. And if you're not, then you need to get some help because there are a million reasons not to trust you, Brian. I'm done with you, I'm done with your games, and I'm done with this place. I quit."

He blinked a few times, registering what I had just said, before nodding.

"I'll have someone box up your office, then."

"No need, I can do it myself right now. I'll be gone in an hour."

† ∞ †

I hauled all of the two boxes from my small office to my car and drove off, just glad to be out of that place. To be free from him.

But was I really? Of course it still hurts now, it just happened this morning and it's only eleven am.

As I drove past a small shopping centre I noticed an old antique shop that I'd never seen before. You think I would've noticed after driving past this area every day for over a year, but I guess I'm not as observant as I usually claim to be.

I pulled off to the side of the road, parking in front of a shop for sports apparel, and got out of my car. I looked through the windows, or at least attempted to, and couldn't really see much of anything through the lightly glazed windows.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2015 ⏰

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