The Wall Part 1

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The Wall

The wall is there,

But people pass by without care.

It's feelings are true,

Because it reflects you.

When you're in a mood,

The wall is in a mood too.

Whatever color it is painted,

Shows the person who colored it.

It has eyes, ears, a mouth and a nose.

Wherever you go it goes.

The wall talks.

It is misunderstood.

You never thought you would understand but you could.

The wall is there.

It can not move it's unfair.

You leave the wall for another,

This one may be its mother.

This wall is brand new.

It shows a changed you.

A you no one really knew.

The wall is there,

You stare like you care.

You missed the old wall.

It was just down the hall.

But the new wall is closer,

It's like a roller coaster.

Mixed feelings arise,

Just like an ocean tide.

The wall is there to help you hide.

The wall is there.

But people pass it without care.

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