first day

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Courtney's POV

When we got our schedules, we looked at each others. There was only one class that we had together and that was art, we also had lunch together. When I walked her to class, I started to turn around until I got knocked over by someone. This can't already be happening, I look up and see one of the schools 'badboys' standing there in front of me. He looks down at me "watch where your going."

I go to Physiology since that was my first class, about 25 minutes into class the door opens. There stands the principle with someone who I basically drooled over. The principle points towards the seat next to me and he starts walking. When he sits down he scoots a little closer and I can feel my cheeks get hot. I look over at him and ask him his name. "Kody, what about you beautiful?" By this time I knew he was doing it on purpose. I reply to him and try to look away mad, but obviously failing.  I went back to doing my notes and I glanced at him, seeing that I connected eyes with him. I looked down again trying to hide it, and he grabs my hand so I look at him and smiles. Something about that smile, it's just so perfect. Turns out that we have all of the same classes together, we head to art next. 

Everyone was looking at us so he put his arm around my shoulder, I just looked up at him and smiled. We walk into the classroom and Mary immediately starts investigating him, after she looks at the both of us. Then we look at each other and he leans over and kisses my cheek, I know for sure I look like a tomato now. 

=====================================================================================SKIP TO LUNCH


Mary and I sit there everyday and now Kody is sitting here. One of the 'badboys' Ben came over and asked him why he is sitting with us. Kody stands up and says "do you have a problem with them." After that Ben walked away, after Kody sat down and we thanked him. After a while of silence, Mary gets up to go to her locker. Kody looks at me "do you want to hang out after school today?" I think for a little "How do I know your not like one of those creeps or even better one those undercover cops." He starts laughing as do I. We go to our next class which is Chemistry and it goes by pretty fast as well as all of the other classes.

=====================================================================================SKIP TO END OF SCHOOL DAY!


I go to my locker with Kody right behind me and get my stuff. We walked out to my car and when I was about to get in, Kody grabbed me and gave me a giant bear hug while sticking something in my back pocket. Then he walked off to get in his car. When I get home, I reach in my pocket and find a piece of paper with his number, so I text him.

C-Courtney    K-Kody

C- Hey... Its Courtney

K-Hey gurl. We still chillin

C- Yea my place or yours

K- Yours, what is your address?

C- 123 Angle St.

K- Aright I will be there in 20 min.

A/N: Sorry that it is short, but I promise that I will try to update more often

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