Chapter 2

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The sky was gradually getting darker and darker as time passed on during that day that Mackins went to sleep. A figure's glowing red and blue eyes watched the detective as he laid there on the hotel bed peacefully, drifting off into deep sleep, while the figure sat in a nearby tree branch high above the ground, staying silent and still. A menacing grin grew upon his hidden lips under the bandagings as he watched the man, studying every little detail about him. Medium length, blonde hair which had a slight angle which it flipped outward from his head. Light blue eyes under his closed eyelids. His face was rounded and rough, the start of a beard growing out on his chin and face. The detective laid with a hand over his stomach comfortably, in a way as if he was protecting someone close to him. The demon could sense that the man had dealt with much pain and loss...if only he knew what exactly, but the demon had no worries; for he would find out eventually.

"Augustus?" a voice called from behind the figure.

The demon turned his head only, raising an eyebrow in slight curiosity as to what it was that his companion wanted.

" know...he's asleep, do you have any plans?" the voice asked, almost hesitantly.

"Be patient, my faithful friend. I know you want to do your bidding, but you must be patient." Augustus answered calmly.

"Alright. If you say so. But, what do we do now?"

The demon turned around completely and smiled evilly, eyeing his friend, whom was shuddering on her branch, hugging herself.

"Why are you so uneased my sweet? What has made you so impatient?" Augustus asked, tilting his head slightly as he changed his appearance to his handsome teenager form.

"Well I-"

"Shh...I know now. Do not worry. Once I am done with the father, we may spend quality time together, alright?"

The girl smiled slightly and nodded, still hugging herself. The brunette was an interesting one, rather quiet and kept to herself most of the time, but a kind, sweet and obedient girl who always offered a helping hand. Something was special about her that grabbed the demon's interest. She was like him: a supernatural; yet she was different. She was not like the typical supernatural he had ever encountered before. He hadn't exactly figured out what she was, but he was bound to find out sooner or later.

"Could with him?" the girl asked.

Augustus thought for a moment before making a decision, turning back around to where the detective was sleeping peacefully.

"Not yet. The time is not now. I will tell you when you may play with our toy. Soon, Sharrlot. Soon..."

Sharrlot nodded and looked down, eyeing a stray man walking around on the ground and smirked

as her lavender eyes glowed a neon purple.

"Augustus...did I ever tell you what I was?" she asked him, narrowing her eyes slightly in amusement as the man suddenly started to quicken his pace in nervousment.

"No, you didn't. Do tell."

The girl stood, losing her 'sweet girl' appearance. "I'm more of a mutant. A mixture of many. Witch, shapeshifter, elemental, and a few others." she said finally.

Augustus smirked in amusement as he watched her before turning back to studying the detective. What exactly was he planning to do with all of those clothes he bought? The demon only saw the clothes, nothing more, due to Sharrlot distracting him.

Sharrlot was on the ground now, appearing as a jaw-droppingly beautiful woman who seemed lost. She had always had that look about her and that alone would make her a great companion to him in taking down the famous detective. Soon he would have his revenge. He would first take Mackins out, and then Sharrlot. He made no allies, no friends, no companions at all. He was a demon, and demons had no remorse for others. Their goal was to cause mischief and mayhem with whatever they came into contact with and destroy everything in their path. It was the will of Lucifer.

Augustus decided to take the advantage and transport himself to the interior of the room in which the detective laid, sticking to the shadows to stay hidden in case anyone arose and entered the room or if the detective awoke. The demon searched through the bag before leaning over the sleeping blonde in a creepy manner, his red eyes scouring over the human's body. He almost envied the man. He had the perfect life. He had two children and a wife, a home, and a steady paying job. He had the most supportive and loving friends anyone would ever come to know in their lifetime. He had everything any man yearned to have. Yet, he was throwing it all away by risking his life on what he would never defeat. And Augustus would be the very one to conquer him and claim his life.

The demon laid beside the detective and smirked as he decided upon a plan he made up in his head, predicting every outcome that there would be. He stayed in his teenager form and skimmed the body before him up and down, adding in his own touch and tracing a finger down the detective's side in a seductive manner. Sharrlot appeared in the room in front of the bed and chuckled quietly while watching Andrew react to Augustus's touches. The blonde mumbled and turned, placing an arm swiftly around the demon's body in a comforting way and took his other one to rest it on the demon's hip, rubbing slightly. The evil man grinned at his swift actions, taking the opening to move closer. Sharrlot touched the detective's head and massaged him there, using her magic to make sure he stayed asleep.

Now, a move would be made. The demon pressed against the detective's body and used his free hand to trace it upon Andrew's lips, making him open his mouth slightly and kiss his finger gently. Augustus pressed his body to the mattress and leaned down, tilting his head as he breathed into the detective's mouth. At first, Andrew opened his mouth and leaned forward to try and kiss the demon unconsciously, but that was his mistake that the demon made his move on. He grinned and sucked the air out of the human, getting at some of his goods on the inside of his body that he contained....

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2015 ⏰

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