Allison and I first met in kindergarten. My grandpa told me one day after school, that I was cousins with a little girl named Allison, and the only girl by that name I knew was her. So one day I walked up to her and told her that we were cousins. Of course she didn't believed me because we didn't even really talk that much back then.
But in third grade, she finally walked up to me and told me...HEY WE ARE COUSINS. I was like TOLD YOU SO!!!! But we still didn't talk a whole lot if at all.Finally in the fourth grade, we were in the same class and we started to talk more and then we gradually became friends. But we argued A LOT when I say a lot I mean A LOT. One day she said she hated me one day she said we were best of friends, and some dates I said I hated her. All I know now, is that it was very complicated.
Allison and I are still friends till this very day, and nothing I mean nothing can change that:-)