The First Two

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    "Alfred.....Alfred.......ALFRED!!", England practically yelled at the top of his lungs, shaking America awake. "God, what is it Iggy leave me to sleep", America said slowly drifting back into his dreamrealm. "You bloody git, wake the hell up and tell me why you've brought me here!" England was just about ready to lose his patients. Slowly , America finally woke up and took a look at their surrounding. He was surprised to find his lover and himself surrounded by dense forest, instead of the bed they had been in moments ago. ".....Arthur, bro, where the hell have you brought us?" "ME?!?! You're the one that brought me here in my sleep!" "Arthur I'm pretty sure I've been asleep for a while" "Then how did we get here?" "Beats me bro. We might as well start walking", America said smiling. He loved the outdoors. Not more than videogames and burgers ,but just enough to be comfortable with this situation.

     After what seemed like hours of walking, all America and England managed to find was a flashlight. "At least we can see where we're going",England said. A little while later, they came across an odd looking tree with a note taped to the trunk. "Always watches. No eyes." read the note. "Is this some kind of bloody joke?" exclaimed England. "I think someones trying to scare us. Have no fear though, the hero is here", America laughed out. Just like him to try and hide his fear. This was getting very odd. At times, they felt like they were being watched ,but when they turned around nothing was there. After walking a ways more, they came across a bathroom complex. "Arthur I am not going in there. It is WAY to creepy,bro!" "Alfred just get into the bloody complex, its not like I'm going to try and summon the devil again!"  "No way, bro im calling the bullshit card and getting the hell outta here!!" "Alfred just get in here!" "NOOOOO." America ended up getting dragged in anyway against his will. 

Inside the complex, it was eerily cold. They both looked around for a while and found nothing but cracked floors and a few wooden chairs. Just when they were about to give up and stop searching for....whatever they were searching for, they came across another note taped onto the wall. This note said something different than the last. "Don't look, Or it takes you." "Arthur this is starting to REALLY creep me out!!" "Oh calm down someone is obviously playing a joke on us." "Really Arthur! Then explain the notes. What if maybe.......we've somehow encountered Slenderman??" "Are you bloody kidding me Alfred?!?! Slenderman isn't real! He was created for some contest on some website!" "B-but Arthur maybe he is real......Arthur I want to go home!!" "Alfred calm down let's just play into their hands for a while. Collect all the notes or whatever. After we do that the culprit will have to pop up. We're completely surrounded by bloody gates so its not like we can just run." It was just like England to be the calm one in a situation like this. America was not so sure and really wanted to just try and jump the fence, but England wouldn't risk his clothes getting torn or dirty. Looks like they'd have to find all the notes....and hopefully avoid Slenderman. If he was even out here. 

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