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     Everyone else was too restless to sleep, anxious about their impending arrival in Neverland. Henry had been kidnapped and taken there to see none other than Peter Pan. Emma, however, escaped below deck. She had reasoned with herself that she would need plenty of energy to retrieve her son, and for that she had to rest. She searched until she found the crew's quarters, choosing the softest bunk she could find. She wrapped herself in the sheets and slowly drifted off.

     Jungle surrounded her as she searched endlessly. Then, she heard an all too familiar voice in the distance.


It was Henry, she knew it. He sounded panicked. Emma withdrew the sword she'd carried onto the island, prepared for a fight.

"Mom, help me please!" Henry shouted again.

Emma followed the sound until she found him. Henry was atop a hill, screaming in desperation for his mother.

"I'm coming, Henry!" she shouted.

She ran as fast as she could, but as she was just about to reach him, a hooded figure appeared. The stranger grabbed the collar of Henry's coat, dragging him to a cliff.

"NO! Please!" Emma begged of the stranger. "That's my son!"

Henry was in tears now, and Emma dropped the sword in hopes that if the stranger thought she wasn't a threat, it would release him. But it didn't. Instead, it plunged its hand into Henry's chest, ripping out his heart. Henry collapsed to the ground.

"NO!" Emma shouted, sinking to her knees.

The stranger began to squeeze and Emma scrambled forward, determined to save her son's life. But no matter how much she tried, she did not clear any distance.

The stranger let the dust that was once Henry's heart drift in the breeze as Emma sobbed, still trying to reach her son's body. But the stranger would not even allow her to mourn that last part of him. He simply kicked Henry over the edge, and Emma lurched forward in a vain attempt to attack the stranger. But he was gone, and so was her only son.
Hook stood at the wheel, surveying his ship. Snow White was seasick, and her husband was trying to soothe her as best he could while she retched over the edge of the boat. Regina and the bloody crocodile had taken up residence in the captain's quarters, insisting on performing some sort of magic to assist in the retrieval of Henry. But someone was missing.

Hook had no idea how long Emma had been gone. He was certain she had not jumped ship or fallen overboard, it wouldn't have been overlooked. He came to the conclusion that she had went below to explore the ship.

Hook silently disappeared below deck as well, to ensure that she was indeed alright. He searched the cargo hold, the galley, even the captain's quarters despite the complaints of its current occupants. Finally, he went to the crew's quarters. That was when he heard the screams.

He rushed for the door, nearly kicking it down to get to her. He found her in a nearby bunk, asleep but thrashing from nightmares.

"Swan!" Hook nearly shouted. When she did not wake, he hesitantly took her by the shoulders and shook. She became even more restless. Hook feared he may have been encouraging the nightmare.

"Emma." He said softly, placing his hand on her face and stroking her hair.

At her name, her eyes immediately opened and she began gasping, as if she had been unable to breathe.

"It's alright, you're safe." Hook told her in an attempt at comfort.

Emma sat up, moving her face from his hand. "We need to get to Henry." She simply stated.

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