i. wedding

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I faced the mirror and wiped my sweaty hands on my wedding gown.

"Jane I can't..." The only sound in the room that could be heard was my heavy breathing. Jane let out a small giggle.

"That is how I felt when I married Thor." Jane rubbed her 7 month pregnant stomach while she gave me a reassuring smile.

"But what if I am making the wrong choice? What if he just dumps me at the altar and runs off with Sif? What if-" Jane cuts off my "what if" theories.

"Nara, I have known you since we were seven making mud pies and throwing them at Jason and I will remind you that you said, "I am going to marry him when I get older and we are going to have a hundred babies!". Now look at yourself now," Jane grabbed my shoulders and forced me to look at myself in the mirror once again. My short brown hair was in a side chignon with an emerald hair pin sticking out, my brown skin had a special glow to it, and my brown eyes--usually framed by glasses--had a twinkle in them. "You see now? Loki has made you ten times happier then Jason would ever had."

"Okay, I think I am ready." I gave myself one last look in the mirror and hooked my arm with Jane's waiting one.

"You are going to do fine, just remember you are marrying the love of your life." Jane gives me a 500 watt smile as I shoot her a small, shy one. My only family member was to injured to walk me down, so Jane took it upon her pregnant self to walk me down the aisle. We stopped in front of two doors of the church waiting for the traditional Sokovian music to play.

The doors slowly opened and I looked around the room. Everything was so beautiful! My eyes looked everywhere in the room from the draping cloths on the ceiling with sparkling lights shining through the blue flower petals slowly falling down. This looked like it came out of a dream. I had always thought that the cliché 'once you look in their eyes it's like time stopped' was just something to bring little girl's hopes up, oh boy, was I wrong.

My brown eyes finally met with a pair of blue ones that I love. I let out a small breath and I didn't care about my surroundings. Pietro was the only thing on my mind.

With every step I took I got closer and closer to my future. My mind started to race forward thinking about my life with my speedster. How many kids would we have? Would we even have kids? My thoughts came to a halt as I reached my destination. Pietro had put a hand out for me to grab, which I accepted. Once my hand touched his warm one I felt like fireworks were going to erupt out of me. As Pietro grabbed both of my hands and pulled me up to the altar, Fury started to speak, but I zoned out, only looking at Pietro hoping he wasn't making a mistake.

My eyes searched into his to see nothing of regret, but only of happiness. It became time for our vows.

"Pietro Maximoff, will you take Danara Rhodes to be your wife; love, honor, and cherish her now and forevermore?" I waited for Pietro's response to what Fury had just asked.

"I will." A heavy feeling just went away from my chest, leaving just the feeling of butterflies in my stomach.

"Danara Rhodes, will you take Pietro Maximoff to be your husband; love, honor, and cherish him now and forevermore?" There is no doubt I will.

"I will."

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride." Fury walked away as Pietro grabbed my face with his hands and our lips met.

*:・゚✧*:・゚✧ *:・゚✧*:・゚

I feel like this was really short so I am really sorry! I will try to post twice or once a week. This is ten times easier to do then to write the next chapter of bubblegum bitch where I forgot the next part that happens. So comment, vote, and fav!

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2020 ⏰

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