1. Omma!!

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1 Week Before The Day
Myungsoo's Parent's House
" Omma I am not going to marry that girl! " Said Myungsoo angrily who just heard the news. " Myungsoo-ah please, I made a promise with Mr. and Mrs. Son like a decade ago! And how lucky that we have a son and they have a daughter that are close in age! " Myungsoo's mom said. " Then make Moonsoo marry her! Omma! You know I am an idol right? You know I am not suppose to date anybody or in this case marry somebody! Which is even worse! "  Myungsoo shouted. " Myungsoo-ah your brother is too young to marry. And besides she is a idol too! I heard from her mother that she is in a group called Ablue? Probably something close to that. " Myungsoo's mother said. "That makes it even worse omma! That's going to ruin her's and my career! " Myungsoo said. " Awwww you guys didn't even get married yet and care about her already! Oh and I heard she has similar interests with you! She likes black, you also like black, she is good in art, your also good in art, she is quiet and shy infront of strangers, you're the same way too! Myungsoo-ah this is match made in heaven. " Myungsoo's mom chirped happily. " More like a match made in hell. " Myungsoo mumbled. " What did you say? " Myungsoo's mom said as she slightly raised her voice in a serious tone. "Nothing." Myungsoo said.

"Anyway, Myungsoo-ah youre not going to have a wedding your just signing the marriage contract. " Myungsoo's mom said. " Ok." Myungsoo mumbled. " Oh, Mrs. Son and I talked to your CEO and your future wife's CEO and agreed that you 2 will have your own apartment and it's at the building  your dorm is at so your fans won't find out. " Myungsoo's mom explained. " Omma we're living together?!?! " Myungsoo shouted. "Yeah of course once you get married you guys will move in together but we only have 1 bed but it's ok since you guys will be husband and wife soon. "
Myungsoo's mom explained. " Omma! No! I don't want to. " Myungsoo yelled again. " But you have to. " Myungsoo's mom said. " Ugghh. This sucks. " Myungsoo complained.

Naeun's Parent's House
" Omma! Why would you do this to me! " Naeun yelled. " Naeun-ah please. We made a promise with Mr. and Mrs. Kim. " Naeun's mom said. "Omma this is a disaster . What if my fans find out? I'll be ruined! " Naeun said. " Your fans won't find out I already talked with your CEO and decided not the hold a wedding for you guys and just fill the marriage contract. And Mrs. Kim and I talked to your CEO and your future husband's CEO and decided you 2 will be living together at a apartment that Mr.Kim and your appa bought you and of course it will be in your dorm's building so your fans don't find out. " Naeun's mom said.

" Wait my future husband belongs to a managing company too? "
Naeun questioned. " Oh yeah I almost forgot to tell you, your future husband is also an idol! Isn't that great Naeun-ah! " Naeun's mom exclaimed
" No it makes it worse omma! " Naeun yelled. " But we'll be living together?Omma!! Why? " Naeun shouted. "Cause you guys will be husband and wife soon so you have to. " Naeun's mom said. " Ottokae!! " Naeun screamed, frustrated.

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