15. Naeun's Birthday

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MyungEun's Apartment
" Happy birthday. " Myungsoo smiled and pecked Naeun's lips. " Thank you oppa. " Naeun smiled back. " Are you excited? " Myungsoo asked. " Of course. " Naeun said. " I have to go for an schedule Naeun. See you later. " Myungsoo catches Naeun in a kiss and leaves. " Bye oppa. " Naeun waved. Riinngg-riinngg

" Yebeosayo? "
" Naeun-ah! Come here to the company! Bali! "
" What? Why? "
" Something very important! Manager unnie is downstairs. "
" Arraseo. See you there. "

She wore her jacket, and ran down the stairs.

In The Car
" Unnie. " Naeun panted and stopped to catch her breathe. " Come on let's go to the company. " Kung fu panda hurried. " Why? " Naeun questioned. " Something important. The rest are already there. Come on we have no time to waste. " Kung fu panda said.

Acube Entertainment
        " So. I called you guys here today because your sales are failing. ' My My ' has officially flopped. " The CEO told them. " What will we have to do to help m? " Chorong asked. " We have tried everything we can to help you girls. But, we're sorry. We don't have anymore money to keep promoting you guys. Apink will have to disband. " The CEO told them. " What? No. That's not happening. Please, there's got to be someway out of this. " Eunji said. " We can't do anything else. You still have a few more months to live in the dorm. The rent was already paid. After that, you guys will have to get a stable job and live at your parents' house until you can afford one yourself. " The CEO said. The room turned silent. Tears came rushing out of everyone's eyes. Especially Chorong and Naeun. " I can't believe this. " Naeun whispered.

The ride back home was quiet and awkward. Eunji wanted to laugh and tell Naeun that they pranked her because Naeun was crying her heart out. Everyone just watched her.

MyungEun's Apartment
         " My career is ending. " Naeun murmured and sat on the couch. " What? " Myungsoo questioned and sat down with his wife. " I thought you had an event to go to. " Naeun furrowed her eyebrows. " It was a quick event. It wasn't much. " Myungsoo said. " I was just told that our sales are flopping and that Apink is disbanding. " Naeun sighed. " That must be devastating to hear. " Myungsoo hugged Naeun. " Yeah. " Naeun said. Naeun stayed strong. Until, everyone jumped out and surprised her. "What is all this! " Naeun asked. " It's a prank Naeun! Apink isn't disbanding. " Chorong announced.

The celebration was great. All of PinkFinite were there and so were their parents. Their CEO and managers. Naeun blew the candles and got cake smeared all over her face by her unnies. Though, she still looks beautiful. It was a wonderful party.

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