Chapter 1

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You turn on the tv, there they are. Magazines, they're there. Articles, tv, internet, twitter, facebook, instagram, cereals, clothes, dolls, pictures, shoes, hats, they're on everything and in every magazine. Why can't they be done with it? They're already so famous, what more do they want? Do I sound bitter...probably, and I apologize. Not really..there's nothing bitter about wanting some personal space. I'm sure they want space too, come on--biggest boy band in the world? That's tiring, I know it. I also know One Direction is pretty famous, {obviously...everyone knows that} ecspecially here in the UK. 

They originated here. They were born here. Well, most of them anyways. Isn't there a blonde one? He's Irish, isn't he? I have no idea. They're everywhere so I try to steer clear of it all, the internet, tv, cereal, food, clothes, shoes..whatever I can. It might sound ridiculous and it is, honestly. My friends don't hate One Direction, they're dedicated UK fans. Or so that's what they call it, I guess. They always talk about One Direction and the latest news and songs or announcements. 

They're bummed I don't like "1D" But, they don't understand. "Grace, it'd be nice if you wouldn't hate one direction. Maybe you'd be happy, like us. Our fandom." My friend Lilly said once. "What is a fandom? What the--" They both signed, heavily. Like they were annoyed. "Our fandom, is our fanbase. One Direction's fan base." I yawned dramatically, showing no interest. They rolled their eyes and continued their "fangirling" 

"Grace, you show a lot of hate for a band you don't even know at all. Just because of Harry doesn't mean you need to-" 

"Shh, it's not about Harry." I interrupted my friend, Lilly. She looked at me sarcastically. "It's not!" I said defensively, "He's part of a huge band and left me for it. It's fine. The band, I just don't like." 

They let it go and we continued on our own ways, I didn't give it a second thought. Well, maybe I did. Did I really hate the band because of Harry? No..I can't. Harry isn't a part of my life, he shouldn't determine my interests or anything in my life for that matter. Maybe Lilly was right. I am being a little too harsh to the I? No. 

Harsh is leaving your best join the biggest boy band ever, and never contact checking on her. What if I was dead? He wouldn't even have known...he doesn't care now, but. Before the Harry I knew would've cared about his best friend, Grace Edwards. 

On my way back home from school I got a text about a party from one of the guys going there ; 

"Party at my place, be there? " -Trent 

Trent was one of those, "popular" kids at our school, always having parties and inviting everyone. I've never actually talked to Trent , but I think I've seen him around school. Maybe, I'm not sure, I don't pay attention much. 

I walked inside my home and ran up to my room. I took out my phone and got a text message from Lilly ; 

"You should go to that party, both of us go!!" -Lil

I'm not all up for parties, not at all. I'm not a big party person. It just isn't who I am or try to be. But Lilly insists over and over to go, so finally I give in.The party is tonight at 8 p.m . 

I hear a knock at my bedroom door, "Hey, hun. You there?" It's my mom. I open the door and she seems suprised that I'm actually there. "Where have you been? Why haven't you said Hello to anyone?" She looked me up and down and saw I was dressed and nodded her head. She eventually left me alone after asking more questions that didn't make any sense until I heard a knock at the door and opened it, it was Lilly. 

She was dressed in a dress that was all black and it looked tight, she was wearing black heels and her dress was higher than her thighs, I almost saw her underwear. I gave her a questioning look and she rolled her eyes. 

She looked at me and sighed, I was dressed in black skinny jeans and white t-shirt that fell off my shoulders along with a black undershirt to go underneath. I can't stand showing my skin, it's too much for me. Other people, it's nice with more skin. Not me, it's terrible. I've never shown anymore more skin then my shoulders or maybe my legs. 

After Lilly and I finish checking each other out, we get in her car and she drives us to Trent's house. As soon as we hit his block we hear loud music, vibrating the ground and our car. And after Lilly parks we get out and see it's just as packed as it seems, with kids outside on the lawn and inside in the bedrooms, I saw a couple of kids through the windows, on the balcony. They were everywhere. 

We walk in and immediently I lose Lilly in the mass of people at the party. Lilly loves attention, she thrives for attention and partying. She's a girl who knows how to have fun, she is fun. But no me, I'm not fun, and I'm boring. A party pooper even, if you say. I make my way over to one of Trent's couches, and sit down. Checking my phone, all I get is One Direction once again. All the bromances, and fanfics. 

All the things that make no sense to me. 

I click off my phone real quick, deciding to go outside and get air, because it was getting scuffy, crowded, sweaty, and just plain filthy. 

I quickly look up and see a boy ahead of me. I'm in the living room on the couch and he's in the kitchen having a beer with one of the guys. I couldn't see the other guy, he was blocked by the wall. But through the door way I could see, this guy. He was wearing black skinny jeans, a white t-shirt and a beanie, showing little scuffs of his hair coming out. 

I know this boy. I'd know him from anywhere. A thousand miles away. What's he doing here? Why's he here? 

This boy just isn't any boy. He's the boy. My boy. Harry Styles. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2013 ⏰

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