Fuck you Period.

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Your Pov
The best time of the month. Those three to 7 days that you just feel like complete shit. Those days were the days that you ate anything and everything under the sun and had every excuse to be lazy as hell, and those were MY exact thoughts intentions in this time. From Chocolate Ice creme to Cheese Puffs I just ate junk food, which only made my cramps worse. I realized maybe it was time to switch out (if you know what I'm saying, when you feel clean again) and I went to the bathroom. When I finished a feeling of relief in the pit of my stomach was there and it felt so good. But then my pissy attitude came back once I realized I ran out of not only pads and tampons, but all of my junk food. So I sent a text to my best friend Nate. He'll do anything and everything I ask. He responded with a quick
"you want Kotex heavy flow overnight, Small tampons, and junk food right"
he knew me so well and it made me blush hardcore that he cared and payed attention. I responded with
"you already know"
Not even 10 minutes later he was at my front door with way more than I asked for but a teddy bear and a whole bunch of movies he rented. Nate and I have always had a special relationship and I wouldn't really mind if it became something more but I know he doesn't look at me like that. Suddenly I just begin crying and sobbing. Fuck you period mood swings. Nate kept asking me what's wrong and soon my sadness became anger and I lashed out at him for not wanting me the way I want him. A look of shock kind of just came on his face then he started laughing and said
"Lil Mama I thought you and Wilkinson had a thing, of course I want you like that!" Then he gave me a kiss on my forehead and even then I was blushing like a tomato. Just as I was about to lean on a give him a real kiss my alarm clock woke me up. Fuck you late night period snacks as I was once again having a dream about my best friend Nate Maloley finally realizing I want him.
Okay lol shoot me it was bad but I promised an imagine and I had MAJOR writers block but I promise after this play I'm in I will be updating a lot more! Thanks for reading this shitty chapter!

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