A story of a Lost Soul

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Hello peeps umm this is my first book and i really dont like to tell stories nut my friend bhged me to jk but umm ya soo don't jugde me plz but umm hope you like it.Bye

Hello my name is Kathy and i had a really good life until i grew older i got to know more about reality.But first i have to tell you more about me.

My family moved houses my dad, mom, big brother, big sister, and the youngest me.The house wasn't very big so i had to share a room with my big sister.My school was really far from the house so i had to take the bus.It sucked to go on the bus it smelled and i was always squished with the smelly kids.

Well in school i have very amazing friends Samantha, Isabella, and Jaelynn. They always support me when i really needed them.They listened to what i have to say.They are sisters to me.Knew Isabella for about 7 or 8 years, Samantha and Jaelynn for 4 or 5 years.

I have a really bad heart so now and then i would feel like it been punched so many times.At some times it hurt so bad i feel like i would faint and collapes out of nowhere.

So now you know a little bit more about me,let me continue my story if you want to know.

I got bullied alot in school when i was little i even got bullied by my own friends.Now that im still older i still got bullied and at one point i felt like i was nuthing that i really didn't feel loved or cared about.I would cry every morning and night thinking about how bad the next day would be.My parents didn't even know that i cry or even got bullied because i really didn't tell them.Samantha and Isabella know how i feel cause they got bullied too.We're to scared to tell the teachers because if we did we would get a punch to the face by the bullies.

Since i have a really bad heart i would go to the hospital alot.I got a heart surgrey and i had to stay in the hospital for almost a month to recover.I was alone in the room so i would just lay there think about how it would be if i didn't get bullied,how people think of me or even just listened to music.

To me i feel like i still get bullied at home not the little yelling at my sister thing, i don't even see her that much any more.When we where little we always played,talked,laughed,and cried,we where buddys until we got older and she went to collage and me in middle school.She is always busy, ya i know that but if she had the time she would spend it with her friends that she sees everyday instead of her own family.She told me once that i would be the same way, ya i know that too but in my mind i say to myself"I dont have a little sister that looks up to me that buggs me to play tag or hide-in-seek."It hurts everyday to see her and that running through my head.I lost my best friend, the friend whos been there when i got hurt when i fell, the one who cheer me up when i get mad or sad.She gone and i can't do anything but just watch her leave me.

Now the other people whos been there for me are leaving me too.The school year is about to end and i have to move to another school.Samantha,Isabella and Jaelynn would see each other next year but sadly i won't.I'm always scared to think that they would forget about me that they would hate me because the way i acted.Since i was little i've always hated to say bye and to think i have to say bye to my only friends,it hurts.I know we can keep in touch somehow but it not the same i won't see them everyday i won't laugh,talk, and even cry with them anymore.I'll miss them forever.My mom is enrolling me to the other school but i won't go with her i sit in the car and just think about the next school year how i'm gonna miss my friends.My mom doesn't know that i cry about them she thinks that i'll be fine,she really doesn't know.

I have a bubble i'm so shy to talk to other people other than my friends.I'm always alone and don't really like to talk i feel akward when i do.I try to but i don't know how or what to talk about and i hate when people bust my bubble when i don't feel in the mood.

I'm alone in my world now i have no one anymore.No one who can replace my sister no one who can replace my friends and no one to talk to because i won't let that happen.I'm alone and maybe always will be until someone out there that can land in my world burst my bubble and reacch my hand for sympathy for me and understand how i feel.But until that day comes i'll be alone in the dark no matter what.

This is my story............now you know.Surprisingly i won't regret being alone cause maybe i can be that person who lands in another person world and burst their bubble and reach there hand for friendship.

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