The Maniac

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Flora heard the 'ding' of her microwave which told her that the pizza was ready. She got up from texting her friend to get it. Her friend Raquelle had just texted her about the party Flora's long term crush Caleb was hosting and asked her if she was coming.

"Of course I'm coming!Have I ever said no to a party."Flora texted back.

"Good coz I would've dragged u anyway. Cya at 9."Raquelle replied.

Flora was a total party girl really and would never say no to a party but she had a ulterior motive to go to this party,she thought that it would be the perfect time to tell Caleb about her feelings for him. She glanced at the clock and saw that it was only 5.She had a lot of time to kill,it would take her an hour or two at most to get ready. So she decided to chat with Eve on Facebook. Eve was Flora's Facebook friend. She had never really met her. She had actually started talking to her only two weeks go but Flora thought that she was quite sweet.

"Hey Eve"said Flora.

"Hey!Can we meet today?"replied Eve.

"Um...idk..I guess I could"Flora replied back uneasily. She had a bad feeling about this but decided that she was so sweet what harm could it do. Oh how wrong she was.

"Where can we meet?"said Flora.

"Turn around"replied Eve.

Flora didn't really understand what she meant but turned around anyway. She didn't know that she would really regret this. Behind her stood Eve in raggedy clothes,wild black hair and a crazy glint in her eyes. In her hand was a blood stained knife. Flora screamed and ran to the front door with Eve chasing behind her to find out it was locked. She ran in the kitchen and frantically began to search for a weapon but couldn't find anything.

"Hello little flower."whispered Eve from behind Flora.

Flora froze in fright. She saw a cup of hot coffee and slowly reached for it and threw it on Eve's face.

"You'll pay for this."Eve angrily screamed.

Flora quickly ran to her room and hid in the closet.

"Come out,come out wherever you are little birdie. I just want to play. I won't hurt you I'll just chop you into pieces."said Eve laughing manically.

Flora shut her eyes tightly in fright. She heard the sound of heavy footsteps coming towards her.


Flora's heart beat quickened.


She took a deep breath.


"This is it."she thought to herself.

The closet door opened. Flora's eyes were wide open,dear clear in them.


The sound of the knife going through her heart while Flora screamed bloody murder.

Silence was all that you could hear as Eve carved a word on Flora's forehead. The word was 'FRIEND'. After doing this Eve happily skipped out of Flora's house with that crazy glint still there in her eyes while humming an odd tune.

The next morning Raquelle walked to Flora's house wondering why her friend hadn't come for the party. She knocked on the door but nobody answered. She knocked again to find out that the door was open.

"Flora?"she called out stepping into the house.

No answer

"Flora?"again she called out but to no avail.

She walked up to Flora's room.

"Flora?"she called out as she bumped into something.

She looked down to see what and screamed. It was Flora's body,mangled up with the word 'FRIEND' carved on her forehead. The sight made Raquelle want to puke. She called the police and everything after that was a mess. Raquelle was still shock over the loss of her friend.

Someone from afar was observing all this. It appeared to be a women. She had a slender figure with wild black hair and a crazy glint in her eyes. She had a sinister smile on her face while humming an odd tune. The same odd tune sung by Eve.


Author's note:I have also posted this story on

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