2( Popcorn troubles and bad dreams)

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Mac*^ Saturday
I popped a piece of popcorn in my mouth and turned on Netflix . It was pretty boring when Ez was out with Hanna .


Regina pisses me off sometimes but sometimes I feel for her .

As I was screaming at the tv Ez and Hanna walked in making out .

Uhh Ez .?

"Oh I'm so sorry Mac I thought you would be in bed by now "


It's only midnight dummy I then punched him playfully on the shoulder .

They started walking to Ezra's room . I figured they  we're going to do something that involved kissing .

To block out the noise I turned it up .

Just as I turned the tv up it was a dragon roaring and I screamed and fell back the popcorn fell everywhere.

FUCK I yelled as Ezra came running in .

" what's wrong Mac ?"

Ez questioned me . Oh nothing besides scary dragons and popcorn every where .

" you better pick that up remember we both bought this apartment I hope you keep it clean "

Yeah yeah I said as I began to pic up the pieces of the floor .

I returned to the kitchen and dumped the popcorn out . Throwing the bucket in the sink I began to raid the snack cupboard for something that would fill my appetite .

MARSHMELLOWS!! Screaming I looked for chocolate and graham crackers .

I quickly set them on the table and ran into Ezra's room .

EZ! EZ! We can make SMORES!

"MAC!! Why did you not knock "

Because ... I never knock .... Only when you have a sock on your door .

"SHIT ! Mac can you put this on my door ?"

He handed me a sock I gently closed the door then placed the sock on it .

Well guess it looks like I get all the SMORES !

Sitting back on the couch with 10 smores  and a can of crush soda .

I turned back on once upon a time and started to eat .

~30 min later~

* I woke up in a strange room , it was just a cube well that's what it looked like . My bed is in the middle and Ezra's bed is next to mine .
Wait is Ez in his bed ? I walk over to the bed and see the familiar face I know . I was now shaking him to try and wake him but there was no waking up . Looking around the room it is now the ocean and Ez and I are floating. He is still asleep I can't wake him . Out of no where a giant figure pulls Ez under , then I end up falling in the sky , shaking and someone is screaming and yelling at me .*

"What happened Mac why are you crying is everything ok?"

Y-you a-are D-EAD. More tears came flowing out of me like a waterfall .

Ez Pov^*
Babe, calm down a little

For one I'm not dead . It was just a bad dream everything is ok .

I wrapped my arms around her body and pulled her close to my chest .

She curled up into a little ball on laid her head down on me . Everything will be ok I promise Mac now why don't you try and sleep ?

"I don't really want to Ez I'm really scared honestly "

It's ok I will be right here .


Okay goodnight I replied and then kissed her forehead and watched her slowly drift away into a deep

Yes I get her dream may not be scary but for her it was really scary ...

Ooo things are getting heated .

I wonder if there's going to be a love connection ??

No I am not deleting this book I am just re-writing

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Ok bye !!

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