Its still wrong

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They think its all a game. Another form of torment. Allowing others to make fun of you behind a screen safe and sound. But your not always safe. Bullies are everywhere like I said before. They hide in the dark ready to strike at your weakest. It's called social bullying. They believe it's OK to text bad things about you spread rumors or even threaten you. But its not OK. It's not a game. People hurt, suffer, cry, and even die over this. Yes on the news they have written about how ugly you can be or how stupid. They never now how much pain they cause until it ruins you. You feel like your dead inside and then it can show that your dead on the outside. Every day people commit suicide because of this. Even if your behind the screen and you have a hidden name. It's not safe so stop.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2015 ⏰

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