Bored? Wanna watch a movie?

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So you know how there are those movies that you watch everyday okay no well then it's just me but I also am always like I'm bored let's watch the same movie as yesterday Lol anyways so I'm going to suggest my favorite movies kk?

1. Bridge To Teribithea
This is always my go to movie also it has Josh Hutcherson in it but anyways it's about this girl and guy and they meet and create a fantasy world with many struggle happiness loss and love
WARNING: May cause tears😢😢😢

2. Charlie St. Cloud
This is the best movie ever it is about a guy (Zac Efron) who loses his brother but can still see him in a sort of sixth sense type of way and he has to make tough decisions and is full of love and loss
WARNING: Absolutely WILL cause tears 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

3. The Titanic
This movie is amazing and I'm sure you know the story and I don't need to describe if but I will LEONARDO DICAPRIO is in this movie making it already amazing and it is about people on a boat in love and then something happens.

That's it see ya laters

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